Boyfriend dumped me because I didn’t have threesome with his friend
Hey Rosie!
January 15, 2021

Boyfriend dumped me because I didn’t have threesome with his friend

Hi Rosie,

I’m going through a rough time right now.  My boyfriend just broke up with me because I wouldn’t sleep with him and his friend. Rosie, I slept with him and I had guilt about that, but he said he was telling his good friend and they wanted me to sleep with them too.  I said no and then he dumped me.  I can’t believe he did me like that, Rosie.  I feel he never loved me to begin with.  I feel like a loser.  I want him back, Rosie, what should I do?

Sad and Lonely.

Dear Sad and Lonely,

This is insane! A threesome?  Are you serious? This is not acceptable behaviour!  Forgive me, but to begin with, it started when you slept with him because you really didn’t know him at all.

However, I am happy that you drew the line at not sleeping with him and his friend.  This guy does not have your best interest at heart.  Even though it’s a painful thing to hear, he did YOU a favour by ending this relationship.  You never know what else he would have had you do.

In the future please do not rush into a huge compromise of giving yourself to someone who isn’t worth your time and emotions.  That is why you should hang out and have fun with people, this gives you some time to learn about them and what makes them tick.
Hold your head high, you did the right thing and you do not need this guy in your life.  Remember you are worth so much more !


Send questions to Rosie at: or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines