I was blindsided by my husband
Hey Rosie!
November 22, 2019

I was blindsided by my husband

Hey Rosie,

I was blindsided by my husband when he said that he’s leaving me for my best friend! They have been sneaking around for the last two years when I worked the overnight shift. Rosie, he would have her come over to our house for a few hours when our kids were sleeping! She would tell her husband that she was at school! Rosie, I feel so betrayed, I’ve been crying and can’t function. I can’t even sleep or eat. What am I going to do? I can’t even go to work! I hate both of them!


Dear Betrayed,

Wow, this is horrible! I can only imagine how hurt and betrayed you must feel. To have a cheating spouse is one thing, but to have done this with your best friend? That is down right terrible!

I am here to say that you have to work on you. You are the most important person in this equation at the moment. Find a safe place to land; seek comfort and support from your relatives, look into professional counselling, get a great lawyer and keep your interactions to a minimum with both of them.

I know it is only natural to want to find out “why”, but this is null and void at the moment. You have to work on stabilizing your world and being there for your children as well.

It’s going to take a lot of work, perseverance and resilience to come back from something so hard. But look at it this way, they did you a favour by removing themselves from your life. Who needs these toxic type of people in your day to day life? Be strong and take care of YOU first. There are rough days ahead, but you will come out much stronger in the long run. Good luck !


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines