Hey Rosie!
March 23, 2018

I can’t stand my husband anymore; I want him to just leave!

Dear Rosie,

I can’t stand my husband! I really have had enough and I wish he would just go already and leave me and the children alone. He’s so lazy, doesn’t pay any of the bills anymore; he disrespects me in front of the children and it goes on and on. So, I told the kids to ignore him when he comes home and stay out of his way. What should I do to get him out?  

Got to go

Dear Got to go,

This is not a healthy approach to ending a relationship at all. I am also very concerned that BOTH of you are using the kids in this twisted game you are playing with each other.

If you and your hubby are at the end of your relationship, why aren’t you taking the conventional route and seek legal counsel? Why are you going through all of these petty antics and causing all of this stress in your lives. It is really unnecessary and totally unhealthy for your children to be involved in your mess like this.

It is time to be direct and civil with each other, the sooner the better too. The longer you drag this out, the more toxic your quality of life becomes. So, I hope that, for the sake of all involved, you both would quickly realize that facing your issues head on will help to bring closure for you and your family.

I wish you the best.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines.