Hey Rosie!
December 29, 2017

My’s sister’s 7-year-old daughter is so rude!

Dear Rosie,

My sister has a beautiful seven-year-old daughter; she’s bright, pretty and also funny. The major hiccup is that she’s so rude, Rosie! My sister has some new-

fangled approach when trying to give her guidelines and even when disciplining her. She talks to her and says, “What do you think your punishment should be?” Or “we should talk about having some more open dialogue about what happened today.”

Rosie, what kind of craziness is that? My mom, sisters and I keep telling her that she is raising a brat and that she needs to be firmer with her. But she said that we should mind our business and her daughter is just fine. Meanwhile she’s back answering everyone, walking off and slamming doors. My kids keep looking at her behaviour and want to know how come she gets away with it. Help me here, Rosie; what can we do?

Rude Child

Dear Rude Child,

I’m sorry this one takes the cake! I can understand that it’s difficult to sit back and witness this messy type of behaviour, but your sister is right – it’s her daughter and you have to let her do her thing in raising her.

Yes, I agree, this new wave movement of child rearing can be very frustrating to witness, especially when we were brought up on a shorter and stricter leash! I know I was quite “chatty” from a very young age, but I know I had a village of people who kept checking me in line if I went too far.

I think if your niece is at your house, she will simply have to follow your rules. You can’t have your children doing one thing and then she is left to create havoc by herself.  

However, when she’s with her mother and is not your responsibility, you will have to let her be. If it is truly annoying or embarrassing, then simply remove yourself. You see, one day, your sister will have to deal with this situation and she may come to you for help – yes, I know that’s annoying too. But until she opens her eyes to see that this approach may not be working well, you will have to learn to bite your tongue.

Good luck with that!


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines.