Hey Rosie!
December 15, 2017

My girlfriend is a real killjoy

Hey Rosie,

I have this girlfriend who is so very negative! Sometimes I call her my associate, because I find her so difficult to be around that I have to put some distance between us.   Everything and everyone trouble her. She can always see the bad instead of the good in people. Sometimes when we go out with our other group of girls, she would get them so pissed off they walk away. At this point, I’m thinking of cutting ties, because she’s killing my joy. The last thing she told me was that she thought my new Condo would have been bigger and in a nicer neighbourhood. Meanwhile, she is still living with her mom. Rosie, I’m so done! Should I cut her off?


Hello Tired,

Well, she seems like a real killjoy ! That type of attitude can pull you into a negative space without much effort.  

Do you consider her one of your closest friends? How long have you been friends? What do you consider to be her redeeming qualities? Would you regret cutting her out of your life if you did follow through with it? These are all of the questions you should ask yourself.

If it were me, I’d make a list of pros and cons about being friends. Listing all of the strengths and weaknesses over the years with our friendship. If the pros outweight the cons, I would then have a real “straight talk” session about the things you don’t like. Don’t be surprised that she may have issues with you too. Then decide what you are going to do next.  

There are no right or wrong answers here. We can sometimes outgrow friendships – it happens. You are going to have to see if this is the case here.

Good luck; you must do what is best for you.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or PO Box 152, Kingstown,St Vincent & the Grenadines