Hey Rosie!
December 27, 2013

Does my guy love me or his ex?

Hey Rosie,

I’m 18 years old and there’s this guy I love, but it seems like he’s caught up in his past, because both of us just came out of separate relationships a couple months back and he seems like he’s still interested in her, I can tell. But the way he speaks to me and treats me, he moves as though he loves me sometimes, and it’s not enough. We don’t even talk about the situation. I don’t even know how he truly feels about me. We are intimate.{{more}} Sometimes I show signs for him to tell me how he truly feels about me or where do we stand, but he always ignores it and changes the topic. We’ve been friends for like three years now, but started to move closer for nine months now. It hurts sometimes to see his bbm status about love and I always have to wonder if it’s for me or her :(. I don’t know what to do.

Don’t know what to do

Dear Don’t know what to do,

I think you are a smart girl and you are on the right track. I think your boyfriend hasn’t healed properly from his last relationship. I know this is hard for you to hear, but I think you may have to make a decision soon.

Both of you just stepped out of previous relationships and that in itself makes it hard to move on and trust someone new, especially if deception was involved (I’m suspecting this maybe the case).

Why though, are you compromising your happiness? You are 18! Free and young to explore and enjoy your world around you. If he can’t be open with you, why don’t you guys fall back for a bit, re-group and possibly work on the “friendship” again?

If you keep doing this to yourself, you are going to be so miserable and hurt; then you are going to take on this negative energy in the other parts of your life… now, who needs that?

So, decide if YOUR happiness is more important and then sit down and have a honest non-confrontational talk with your boyfriend about your decision. Take your life back, my girl.


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or P.O Box 152, Kingstown, St. Vincent & the Grenadines.