Hey Rosie!
June 22, 2012

I can’t believe he is dumping me like that

Hey Rosie,

I have been reading your articles and you are really doing a great job. I enjoy reading them. Now, I would like you to give me some advice on this problem. I am a 17-year-old young lady, just finished my CXC exams, and now Rosie I have been hit so hard that I just want to give up on life.{{more}}

Rosie, I was with this boy; he was like my everything. We used to do everything together, but now Rosie, he is telling me that he is in love with someone else. Rosie, I’ve been through a lot for this boy and now I just can’t believe he is dumping me like that. I don’t think that I deserve this. He was like my king, but now he has changed.

I just don’t know where I stand anymore.

Give up on love

Dear Give up on love,

Thank you for being a loyal reader of the column. Also good for you that you have finished your first leg of secondary school and I am sure you will do well with your CXCs and beyond. What I am going to tell you may not make you feel better at this very moment, but if you keep it in the back of your head, you will be ahead of the game!

Look, “the king” did you a H-U-G-E favour! HUGE! In fact, I give him some props for telling you that it is over and not trying to play you with another girl. That’s where the props end though; do NOT make any man your KING, especially as you start dating; this is a mistake. When you are in your late teens, early twenties and even thirties, you will meet many different guys, trust me! Some who will be a waste of your time, some who you will learn valuable lessons from, some who will become friends for life (because you realize that you treasure their friendship very much) and some who you may want to pray for because they don’t even know themselves what the heck they want!

So, it is up to you to quickly learn to pick out the players who can only hurt you. In this case that you have gone through, I can remember how much that hurts when you break up with someone you thought the world of, especially if this relationship caused a lot of problems with your family and friends etc. But that is why I preach to all of you to just “date”, hang out and have safe fun. Do not go all deep and exclusive…no ma’am, this isn’t the time for it. Continue to grow and spread those wings. I know there are very big and special things out there for you and believe me when that special person comes into your life, you will know, because you will be much hipper to the game.

So, wish homeboy a fond farewell. Do not go begging back, stalking his FB page or texting him! Show him you can dust off your shoulder and keep it moving. Ok, my young princess? Much love and success. Love yourself more!


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or P.O Box 152, Kingstown, St Vincent & the Grenadines.
Youtube: Rosietv247