Hey Rosie!
November 5, 2010

Should I continue with this long distance relationship

Hey Rosie,

I am a Vincentain living in the USA who reads your article every week. Now, I need your advice.

I am 17 years old and with a guy who is 8 years older. We have been together for one year, eight months. Since I moved to the USA three months ago, we have being constantly fighting on the phone, because I have been seeing his pictures on Facebook.{{more}} Other girls have pictures of him as their man. This got to me, so I asked him about it. Each time I ask him, he denies it. Should I continue with this long this distance relationship? Are these girls trying to make us break up, or are they making a move to be the next mistress?


Dear Confused,

So what do you think I’m going to say about this situation? Just by reading this letter, I can tell that you are an intelligent young lady, but I guess you needed to hear someone else confirm your fears and doubts.

Okay, so let Rosie help you…leave this man! Oh, yes, might I mention this 25-year-old man! One who has lived, continues to live and will live after you have moved on.

We as women (of all ages) really need to realize that we get caught up in the “game”. Sometimes it seems like we like to be a player in the game, but then when we get hurt, we start to cry like a victim. Remember we are wired differently than men. Men can love, lose and move on (in general) much more easily than women can.

So he’s on Facebook looking all happy with other girlies, and this is checking your last nerve, huh? Then when you ask him he says: “It wasn’t me”.

Please, my 17-year-old free and intelligent young friend, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s not a horse but a duck! He is cheating on you. Take your new found opportunity in the US, continue to pursue your education, the many social experiences that you can have with new people in your own age group, volunteer in your community and embrace your future. Did this answer your question? There is no need to be confused. Just be Free!


Send questions to Rosie at: heyrosie24@yahoo.com or P.O Box 152,

Kingstown, St. Vincent & the Grenadines.