New Year’s resolutions 2007
In keeping with the 4,000 year old tradition of New Year’s resolutions, hopefully we have undertaken a comprehensive year end review of our lives for 2006. That would have afforded us the opportunity to look at where we have been, in order to see where we are going, and to decide whether we will direct our time and energy towards the right goals in the New Year. Consequently, if we do all of the above, then we are ready to embark on some sound planning for 2007, and may quite likely be able to live up to our New Year’s resolution.{{more}}
A New Year’s resolution can be considered as a commitment that an individual makes to a project or a habit, often a lifestyle change, which is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year’s Day and remain until the set goal has been achieved, although many resolutions go unachieved and are often broken fairly shortly after they are set. This therefore begs the question as to whether resolutions are more effective when made more often throughout the year, instead of being made at year end.
Making the resolution is the easiest part, then comes maintaining it. In terms of maintenance, resolutions should be realistic and measurable. Making resolutions should not be limited to just the beginning of a new year, in fact each day is an opportunity to do something new towards the advancement of ones self. It is a fact that we are more likely to forget our resolution if we focus on it once for the year. On the other hand, if we make it a weekly or monthly undertaking, then the chances of us forgetting our resolutions are greatly reduced.
Many New Year’s resolutions in the western world involve maintaining peak vitality, fitness, or appearance. For example, one person’s goal might be to reduce or to eliminate the excessive intake of alcohol, tobacco, or recreational drugs. In the same light, a student may make a resolution to stay focused in class or to complete all of his assignments on time. Resolutions to eat sensibly or increase exercise are also quite common. More socio-centric examples include resolutions to donate to the poor more often, to become more assertive and involved in community building, or to become more economically or environmentally responsible.
With increasing conflict around the globe, it is time for us as citizens of the world to focus on a global resolution – one that would involve global peace. This global peace would bring a peace deal between Israel and Palestine, the pro-government Arab militia and the Black African population in Darfur, Sudan and the Sunnis, Kurds and Shiites in Iraq among other regions, but more so between the insurgents and the US coalition.
As Sudan’s conflict and humanitarian crises worsen, the international community must take some form of action as this situation constitutes a threat to international peace. Though several UN resolutions and peace deals have been made this year, peace has not been accomplished. What seems to be clear though is that a US-led military intervention like the sort we have seen in Afghanistan and Iraq have aggravated the situation in the respective countries. What then is the solution to global peace especially in the mentioned regions? What then is the solution to the acts of aggression that infringe on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of these countries? What then is the solution to the continued expansion of Islam at the expense of non-Muslims and vice versa? The solutions should reside in the world’s New Year’s resolution.
On a more personal note however, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, what resolutions must we make individually and nationally as we continue to build? Efforts to diversify the economy have been greatly successful in part. As we look forward to the construction of our own international airport which will broaden our horizons for a robust tourism industry, our national resolution should be to continue as a nation, to support the process that would benefit future generations. Recently, I have had the opportunity to drive on a small section of the road leading to the bridge under construction at Rabacca and indeed I was impressed with the work done thus far. The Cross Country Road is also making great headway.
Equally the education revolution is evolving, taking new shapes and forms daily; we must consolidate its gains and mend the fractures. As a people, seeing our national dreams come to reality should form a central part of our national resolution.
For the New Year we should continue being our brother’s keeper never disregarding the fact that we must help those in need when and where possible, and be much more community minded. In short, adding spiritual dimensions to our resolutions, and submitting to the supremacy of God will give greater leverage in accomplishing all our resolutions. May 2007 be a blessed one for us and for our nation! May our Youth be awaken and arise.