Grace Walters, a great candidate says North Windward incumbent representative
(left-right) Montgomery Daniel, Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, and Dr. Grace Walters in discussion on Sunday night (photo by Robertson S. Henry)
Front Page
February 28, 2025

Grace Walters, a great candidate says North Windward incumbent representative

“Today is a significant day in the milestone of political history in this constituency, for today, we will endorse Grace Walters … as the next ULP candidate for this constituency,” current Parliamentary Representative for North Windward, Montgomery Daniel declared last Sunday, February 23, 2025.

The occasion was the candidate selection by the North Windward Constituency Council of the Unity Labour Party (ULP) at which Dr Grace Walters was overwhelmingly endorsed to carry the party’s torch in the upcoming general elections.

“She is someone who is smart … she’s someone who is intelligent and well-educated, and so comrades, I want to be the first to be endorsing Grace Waters at this function here tonight,” said Daniel, who was among the platform speakers at the selection event held at the Sandy Bay Primary School.

“ Grace is a great candidate. She is the daughter of the soil here in Sandy Bay. She has come from the bowels of Sandy Bay and I’m sure … that if Papi Chino was alive today, Papi Chino would have been proud of you,” Daniel added.

“The political leader has found someone who can continue the process of the development of this constituency which has moved by leaps and bounds. The living standards of this constituency have tremendously improved. And so, Grace Walters … a woman with love and adoration … a woman who is selfless, is willing to give her service at a national level, in groups and in communities,” Daniel said of the candidate to whom he was passing the political baton.


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