Vincy Mas – Some of it is boring, says PM
Prime Minister Dr Ralph Gonsalves.
Front Page
September 24, 2024

Vincy Mas – Some of it is boring, says PM

“The truth of the matter is this; we have been losing attendees at the Victoria Park shows because some of it is boring,” stated Prime Minister, Ralph Gonsalves.

The statement, made last Wednesday, September 18,2024, at the Vincymas prize giving ceremony at Victoria Park, was met with agreement from members in the audience that included musicians and mas builders.

“You know that, and I know that,” Gonsalves added, “and if it’s boring, make it less boring.”

The Prime Minister said the Panorama competitions and Soca Monarch show are the only carnival events that he believes are being well-maintained. He said some emphasis needs to be placed on refreshing Vincymas to make it more appealing not only to older persons, but also to young people.

“Some of the calypsos are boring—a lot of them. They find a lot of the mas not as creative as before,” he added.

“Every time we want to do anything, we always have to be reviewing what we are doing. We always have to try to see what we can do better.”

Gonsalves however, will not support privatisation of Vincymas due to the potential increase in costs, and the risk of neglecting important aspects of the festival. He remarked that he cannot afford to spend $500 on sub-par food and wine.

As a start, he proposed hosting a symposium to explore new ideas and improvements to Vincymas. He emphasised the potential benefits of gathering diverse perspectives and expertise, including those from the diaspora.

Additionally, Gonsalves stressed the importance of training more individuals in various aspects of carnival, highlighting the potential for pursuing relevant degrees to benefit both the individuals and Vincymas.

The Prime Minister proudly highlighted the achievements of his administration upon taking office, particularly the renovation of Victoria Park, and the significant investments made by the National Lotteries Authority (NLA) and the Government of SVG over the years.

He criticised the CDC for installing a bar in Victoria Park, run by the CDC, stating, “Some may not agree with what I’m saying, but you invited me to speak, and I must say what’s on my mind.”

Gonsalves also mentioned the increasing costs of producing Vincymas annually. This year, the National Lotteries Authorities injected approximately EC$3 million into the June-July festival.

He gave the assurance that SVG will have three cultural hubs, which are currently in the planning phase, and emphasised the need for a permanent location to house mas camps.

“We cannot continue in the ad-hoc manner and playing hopscotch every few months before carnival. It’s not fair to anyone.”

However, they are facing difficulties in finding a suitable location for this infrastructure. A pre-fab facility for use by mas tents in the construction of costumes was being erected in close proximity to the Courts storage facility at Walveroo; it has since fallen into a state of disrepair.