Start of new term delayed for some schools used as shelters
Front Page
August 30, 2024

Start of new term delayed for some schools used as shelters

by Eldonte Samuel

Schools that were used as shelters for displaced Hurricane Beryl victims are not yet ready for September 2.

Work by the government at primary and secondary schools that were used as shelters after the passage of the hurricane was this week still being done ahead of the scheduled re-opening next week.

In the capital, the Kingstown Government School, Sion Hill Government School, and Dr. JP Eustace Memorial Secondary School were the ones used as shelters.

The Dr J.P Eustace Memorial housed 92 evacuees, and the last occupants left on Thursday, August 22, after being told that they were expected to leave during that week.

The Sion Hill Government School which housed 22 evacuees, saw its last group leaving last week as well. On Wednesday, August 28, SEARCHLIGHT was greeted with the noise of power saws and hammers as workers prepared the school for the new school year. Principal, Verona Richards, was there with her working crew also helping to get the school ready.

She told SEARCHLIGHT that some doors and windows needed to be replaced, and the bathroom required some repairs. Richards said the school was in an acceptable condition after the displaced persons left, but noted that the school would not be ready for Monday, September 2.

At a meeting of principals and head teachers with the Ministry of Education on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, Principal of the Dr J.P Eustace Memorial Secondary, Silvern Lewis-Harry, revealed that after the persons left, contractors were given one week to prepare the school; however, up to the date of the meeting, there had been no work, nor sanitisation of the school.

She also said that officials from the Caribbean Disaster Agency-CDEMA- had visited the school and recommended that five classrooms which were affected by woodlice, could not be used.

There was no one on the premises of the Kingstown Government School, Stoney Grounds, when SEARCHLIGHT visited the school’s compound on Wednesday; there was only what seemed to be old furniture along with garbage bags outside some classrooms.