Town Board workers to receive outstanding payment
Front Page
August 2, 2024

Town Board workers to receive outstanding payment

A meeting between wage earners at the Kingstown Town Board on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, should bring some satisfaction to this category of workers who have complained about being short paid when they received delayed pay packages last Friday, July 26, 2024.

One employee told SEARCHLIGHT they had been experiencing delays in receiving their fortnightly wages without any explanation being given by supervisors; and when wages for July were paid a week ago, extra pay for shifts done during the carnival weekend was not in the package.

They explained that this category of workers receive triple pay for working on carnival weekends and double on Sunday’s. Before last week Friday’s pay day, the worker had expressed annoyance that they had not received their wages for the first part of July, and explained further that they were paid on July 16,2024, but that was for work done during the final weeks of June.

The worker surmised that the absence on vacation of Warden, Clayton Burgin, may have led to the Accountant having to take on additional responsibilities that could have contributed to the delay in payment of their wages.

However, in a meeting with the Town Board’s management on Tuesday, an undertaking was given to the affected workers that whatever is outstanding will be received in their next fortnight’s pay package.

Accountant, Marlon Nanton last week refuted the claims of delayed payment, noting that all money due to the workers had been paid, and they were to receive their next scheduled pay package on Friday, July 26, 2024.

Furthermore, Nanton assured SEARCHLIGHT that the Kingstown Town Board maintains a consistent record of timely payments, whether on a fortnightly or monthly basis to its employees. These workers are represented by the Commercial Technical and Allied Workers Union (CTAWU).