CDC to shell out more in prize money for Vincymas
From Left: Carlos James, Minister of Culture AND Ricardo Adams, Chairman of CDC
Front Page
June 21, 2024

CDC to shell out more in prize money for Vincymas

After years of lobbying the government for an increase in prize money for the various components of Vincymas, the Carnival Development Corporation (CDC), has managed to secure a 30% increase in several areas.

The negotiations with the government were supported by Minister of Culture, Carlos James and will see the winner of the 2024 Soca Monarch competition walk away with EC$60,000, up from EC$25,000; the winner of the 2024 Ragga Soca Competition will take home EC$30,000, up from EC$15,000; and the winner of the Calypso Competition will get EC$30,000, up from EC$25,000.

Chairman of the CDC  Ricardo Adams said at a press briefing at the CDC’s conference room, Victoria Park on Thursday June 20 2024, that they usually pay out between EC$650,000 and EC$700,000 in prize monies and now they are moving to roughly EC$960,000, an increase of about EC$300,000.

“…so, we really went basically for a 30% increase in prize monies as a standard across the board. And what we will do with that 30% increase in prize money…what we’ve done is we’ve addressed some of the areas where there were significant anomalies, where people had significant concerns,” Adams explained.

He said that even though it’s 30%, it may not be 30% in every single category, “because we may more heavily deal with some of the categories that we feel maybe need a little more support,” Adams told the media.

Explaining further, he said the junior monarch’s prize money pool has moved from EC$16,600 to EC$21,500.

Prize money in Mas has moved from EC$298,500/EC$299,000 to EC$388,000, an increase of EC$90,000. Prices money for J’ouvert has seen a 30% increase, from EC$11,500 to EC$15,000; while the Road March competition has added prize money for second place.

“What we’re going to do is, we’re going to add a second-place category in the Road March. So, we’ll keep the first place where it is, but we’ll take that additional prize increase, add a second place…so, our people in the music side of things, you would be happy with that,” Adams said.

Panorama prize money has moved from EC$117,000, and that includes Junior panorama, to EC$173,000, which is a $56,000 increase in the pool.

“The appearance fees have increased, because one of the things that we note is that increasing the top line benefits one or two people or organizations, but if we can do some things to increase the appearance fees, then that makes all of the competitors better off…”, Adams said as he outlined that there have been complaints that the cost to compete has become a financial challenge.

“If you don’t come in the top three, then you’re almost competing at a break even or losing level.”

Adams said that the first place in the Panorama Competition has moved from EC$33,000 to EC$43,000, and the second place has moved from EC$22,000 to EC$29,000.

“So, those are like 30% increases,” Adams said, while noting that in the Calypso Monarch segment prize monies have moved from a pool of EC$94,000 to EC$123,000, a 30% increase overall.

The pool for appearance fees has moved from EC$44,000 to EC$63,000, “So that everybody who makes an appearance, hopefully will be less disadvantaged by the fact that they’re appearing. And we’ve moved the first place from EC$25,000 to EC$30,00, second place goes up to EC$15,000”.

Adams said that SVG has laid a claim has been laid to Ragga Soca music being a child of St. Vincent music, “And for a very long time, there had been a significant disparity with Ragga Soca and the Soca Monarch and even the Calypso Monarch, so this year, again, we paid some attention to the Ragga Soca Monarch, and we’ve increased the appearance fees for the Ragga Soca”.

The first prize money has gone up to EC$30,000, which now brings it in line with Calypso; the second-place prize has gone to EC$15,000; and the third prize to EC$10,000, and a fourth place prize of EC$75,000 has been added.

Appearance fees have been also been raised from EC$16,000 to EC$35,000.

“So, the appearance fees are now $5,000 per competitor in the Soca Monarch…”.

Previously the payout for the Soca Monarch was EC$25,000, and a vehicle but Adams said they recognise there are people who would prefer cash, “…and so the cash prize this year for the first place is EC$60,000. The second place moves to EC$30,000. The third place EC$15,000 and the fourth place EC$10,000.

Soca Monarch tickets go on sale today Friday June 21, 2024.


Soca Monarch
1st place: $60,000.00
2nd place: $30,000.00
3rd place: $15,000.00
4th place: $10,000.00

Appearance Fees: $35,000.00
Ragga Soca Monarch
1st place: $30,000.00
2nd place: $15,000.00
3rd place: $10,000.00
4th place: $7,500.00

Appearance Fees: $24,000.00
Calypso Monarch
1st place: $30,000.00
2nd place: $15,000.00
3rd place: $10,000.00
4th place: $5,000.00

Appearance Fees: $63,000.00
1st place: $42,900.00
2nd place: $28,600.00
3rd place: $21,450.00
4th place: $17,160.00

Appearance Fees: $42,900.00

Junior Panorama: $20,000.00

Junior Monarchs: $21,593.00

Mas: $388,086.27
J’ouvert: $15,015.00

Road March
1st place: $5,000.00
2nd place: 2,000.00