PM calls on women to have more children to combat falling birthrate
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May 31, 2024

PM calls on women to have more children to combat falling birthrate

With an eye on a falling rate of births in St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), Prime Minister, Dr Ralph Gonsalves is advocating for women of child bearing age in SVG to have to more children to combat the effects of what may become a problem in later years.

The Prime Minister made this point on Monday May 27, 2024, during a news conference at Cabinet Room at which he reported principally on his recent trip to Taiwan.

As a result of the decline in the birth rate Dr Gonsalves suggested that more women between the ages of 25 to 35 should have more children.

“We need them to have a few more babies,” the prime minister stated.

The reason for his suggestion is “ because the population- the birth rate is falling.”

People in St Vincent and the Grenadines are living longer, so there is an ageing population, with a reducing number of new births.

“We have to replenish the population and the population is stagnant, and its getting older, he pointed out”.

While advising against teenage pregnancy, the Prime Minister implied that the need for new births is a reality which must be faced.

“It can’t be replenished by people from Mars; it has to be replenished by real flesh and blood women.”

He admitted knowing that many women of child bearing years are focusing on their professional lives, but urged them still to try and increase the size of their families.

“The civilization has to find a way of replenishing itself, and advancing.”

Statistics show stagnation in the crude birth rate in St Vincent and the Grenadines between 2011 and 2021.

At that time, the birth rate stood at 12.9 live births, per 1000. In 2000 the birth rate was 14.8 per 1000.