Inmates display creative talent at Prison concert
Last Sunday December 18, 2022, an explosion of talent was displayed by inmates of His Maesty’s Prisons at the annual concert dubbed “Explosion after Eruption,” which was held in the back of the courtyard of the Parliament Building, Kingstown.
Thirty performances took place during last Sunday’s concert, watched by scores of persons who thronged into the yard to hear and view the various performers.
Cassel Lavia performing (photo credit– Robertson S. Henry
And, an abundant of talent behind the walls was on display.
Delivering brief remarks at the commencement of the event which began over two hours past the advertised time, Superintendent of Prisons, Timothy Hazelwood spoke glowingly of the abundance of talent which exists behind the prison walls, stating, “not only talent, but we have inmates behind that wall that have skills. When we look at them as inmates we still look to them as close to the society but yet they are in confinement.”
Hazelwood told the crowd “you may look at prisons as some people have it…it is a place of condemnation, but it is not a place of condemnation. It is a place for you to reflect on the things that you do in order for you to start or restart a life.”
Group of female drummers performing (photo credit– Robertson S. Henry)
Hazelwood also pointed out that the prisoners are not addressed as inmates “because these inmates are in a rehabilitation programme behind the walls, and they must be ‘re-habbed’ in order to come back into society”.
He gave as an example the singing by the inmates at the Sunday, November 11, 2022 church service, and of the carpentry and other products as evidence of the individual and collective skills of the inmates.
He pointed out that the furniture made by the inmates could match any found at leading outlet like Courts or Finishing and Furnishing.
Funds collected at the entrance and through donations made by patrons on that afternoon, will go towards uplifting the various aspects of the inmates’ lives, Superintendent Hazelwood said.
Once the concert got underway, a number of the inmates made more than one appearance and each rendition was well received by the scores of patrons present.
Those who attended were treated to singing, dancing, and skits as the inmates displayed a variety of talent.
The annual prison concert is a much anticipated event on the Christmas calendar for many persons in SVG.