Painful nipple piercing caused me to use  profanity –  Fitz Bramble
This screen shot from a video clip making the rounds on social media shows Opposition Member of Parliament for East Kingstown Fitz Bramble writhing in agony while getting his nipple pierced.
Front Page
September 6, 2022

Painful nipple piercing caused me to use profanity – Fitz Bramble

Member of Parliament, Dwight Fitzgerald Bramble has apologized for his use of profanity in a video that has been making the rounds on social media, saying such language does not reflect his true character.

The recording of the nipple of the opposition MP being pierced began circulating on social media during the evening on Friday, September 2.

The video shows Bramble sitting in a chair, writhing in pain and uttering a string of obscenities as a woman passes a needle through his nipple.

In an address to the nation posted on his Facebook page on Sunday, September 4, Bramble, who is the parliamentary representative for East Kingstown, said the procedure was done more than one year ago.

He said it was done “within the freedom and sanctity” of his privacy and was “a personal choice which did not offend or violate anyone.”

“I have to admit however that the piercing in the video was a lot more painful than I had anticipated, which resulted in my reaction with very regrettable profanity.

“I wish here to sincerely apologize to everyone who was offended by the use of such profanity. The use of such language does not reflect my true character,” he stated.

Bramble said he was not aware that the procedure had been recorded, although at one point during the 30-second video, he appeared to be staring directly at the camera, which seemed to be positioned in close proximity to where the procedure was being done.

He said he only became aware that the video had been published on social media when he, “like the rest of you, saw it there.”

The parliamentarian said while his “private and personal choice of obtaining a body piercing is neither wrong nor illegal”, he thought it necessary to address the matter directly to “break the pattern of lack of accountability by some politicians”.

Bramble, a former national footballer, said he has other piercings and body tattoos which he got long before entering politics.

“This is something that our African forefathers have done with pride throughout their history for various reasons including depicting strength and virility.”

He said as a politician and parliamentary representative for East Kingstown, he is human first, but his commitment to serving the people of SVG “does not change and will never be shaken”.

“I will defend and fight for your rights and for a better quality of life for all Vincentians.”

He referred to his “numerous community building initiatives over the years,” and said it is “disheartening” and “shameful” that “malicious elements would attempt to use this video to distract from the real issues at hand.”

Bramble cited the high cost of living, low wages, high unemployment, crime, violence and the challenges parents are experiencing sending their children back to school.

“It is sad that in an era where lack of accountability for millions of dollars by this government gets swept under the rug, and we are exerting so much energy… on a video which really and truly does not even help to improve our lives.”

He called for the public not to be distracted by “weak attempts to curtail discussions on the failed policies and projects of this government…,” and called for people instead to focus on the real issues impacting the lives Vincentians and how the quality of life of Vincentians can be improved by working together.

Bramble, 60 is a first term parliamentarian, having been elected on November 5, 2020.