Labourer charged for theft, stabbing Largo Height man
From the Courts
August 12, 2024

Labourer charged for theft, stabbing Largo Height man

A 35-year-old labourer of Campden Park has been charged with wounding and theft.

On August 8, 2024, police arrested and charged Myron Velox for unlawfully and maliciously wounding a 43-year-old mason of Largo Heights.

According to the reports, Velox allegedly stabbed the man on his left arm with a knife. Velox was also charged with allegedly stealing one blue TLC Cellular phone valued at $100 EC, one TLC charger valued at $60 EC, two silver house keys valued at $20 and $20 EC in cash – total value $200 EC.

The offense was committed in Kingstown on August 3, 2024. Velox is expected to appear before the Kingstown Magistrate Court to answer the charges.