Twenty year old labourer pleads not guilty to armed robbery
From the Courts
April 14, 2022

Twenty year old labourer pleads not guilty to armed robbery

A 20 year old labourer of Pauls Avenue who is facing a charge of armed robbery, pled not guilty when he appeared in the Serious Offences Court (SOC) on Tuesday, April 12.

Bahari Dopwell is alleged to have robbed a 25-year-old service representative of South Union of his cell phone and accessories valued at EC$2440, and EC$70 in cash at around 9:00 a.m at Mc Kies Hill on April 1, 2022.

He was alleged armed with a gun.

The police said that Dopwell was arrested and charged with the offence on April 11.

When he appeared in the Serious Offences Court where he entered a plea of not guilty, Dopwell was granted bail in the sum of $4500. with one surety. He was also ordered to surrender all travel documents and not to contact the virtual complainant. He was further ordered to report to Central Police Station every Friday between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and placed under a curfew from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Stop notices were placed at all ports of Entry/Exit. The matter was adjourned to June 13,2022.