Male Breast Cancer: A hidden threat
October 11, 2024

Male Breast Cancer: A hidden threat

When we think of breast canceR, we often think it’s a women’s disease.
But did you know that men can develop breast cancer too? Though rare, one in every 100 breast cancer cases occurs in men.

Symptom Awareness

Common Symptoms of Male Breast Cancer include:

  • Lumps in the breast
  • Changes in skin or nipple
  • Unusual nipple discharge

These signs are often overlooked, delaying diagnosis and treatment.

Importance of Early Detection:
Why Early Detection Matters –
Early detection is critical. The sooner breast cancer is caught, the better the chances of survival. Don’t ignore symptoms; speak to a healthcare provider.

What Would Happen if Left Untreated?

If left untreated, male breast cancer can spread to other parts of the body, including lymph nodes, bones, lungs, or liver reducing your chance of survival. This can cause:

  • Increased pain and discomfort
  • Severe complications and organ failure
  • Chronic coughing and difficulty breathing as fluid builds in your lungs
  • DeathEarly detection and treatment significantly improve outcomes. Don’t delay!

Public Health Guidance for Men-
Public health organizations urge men to:

  •  Be aware of the risk
  • Perform self-exams regularly
  • Consult a doctor if they notice anything unusual
  • Maintain your yearly well men checks with your physician .
  • Call to Action
    Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate. Know the signs, take action, and remember: Male breast cancer is rare, but real. Your health matters!

Reminder: The SVG Medical Association annual PINK city walk takes place today, Friday, October 11, 2024 from 3:30 p.m.
Wear shirts, caps and anything PINK!