An historic day for SVG
January 31, 2020

An historic day for SVG


JUNE 7, 2019 is a day that will stand out in the history of St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Approximately one decade ago, this little nation set out on a quest to become a Non-Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Some say it couldn’t happen, but it did! The NDP Opposition said it was “a fool’s errand”, but we were wiser than they. We started off by declaring our candidacy for the Security Council in 2010, challenging Colombia. The Columbian contingent pleaded with us to withdraw to avoid a contest in the GRULAC group. We withdrew our candidacy after negotiating for their support and that of GRULAC ten (10) years later – the only date available.

Quietly, but persistently, we waged our campaign. The Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr The Hon Ralph E Gonsalves, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Commerce and the then Permanent Representative to the United Nations Hon Camillo Gonsalves, provided a solid foundation by negotiating with every country around the world.

The Prime Minister continued in office, the Foreign Affairs Minister retired, Camillo Gonsalves returned from the UN to capital Kingstown, to become Minister of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Commerce succeeding Hon Dr Douglas Slater who immediately succeeded me as Foreign Minister, then later took up an appointment at CARICOM; but by dint of extraordinary exertion and a well-planned road map, the mission was accomplished.

H.E. Ms Inga Rhonda King succeeded Camillo as Permanent Representative to the United Nations. She rose to the top of the learning curve in no time. She worked hard to secure

“Reciprocals” and other endorsements for our candidacy and on June 7, 2019, for the election of St Vincent and the Grenadines as a non-permanent member of the UNSC which was a historical milestone to all Vincentians; a surge of exuberance of pride and joy was felt by all Vincentians across the globe. Oh what humble pride welled up in our hearts as we gave God thanks for bringing us thus far by faith – amazing grace! The smallest country by geography and population – ever to be elected as a Non-Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council.

El Salvador came up against us, prodded by its mentor, but we were agile and carefully locked all the gates behind us so that they could gain no entrance. We won El Salvador 185 to 6. What an accomplishment! This was the zenith of ten (10) years of diplomatic outreach to our sister CARICOM countries, to the other countries of Latin America, Asia,, Africa, Europe and the Pacific, including Australia and New Zealand.

If we can achieve this with the help of the Almighty God, we can achieve anything. So on January 1, 2020, we took our seat in the Security Council chamber, sitting at the table with the most powerful countries on earth, militarily and economically.

To God be the glory, GREAT THINGS HE HATH DONE.