From Planters’ Bank to First St Vincent Bank
The First St Vincent Bank at the time of its establishment and for many years after, filled an important niche in the community as it was established primarily to assist small farmers who were unable to access finance from the then Colonial Bank.
It was known then as the Planters’ Bank and was instrumental in pioneering the establishment of its own cotton ginnery for the benefit of small farmers. Our focus has always been to assist the less fortunate.
The Bank has also been associated with some of the prominent citizens of St Vincent and the Grenadines who have served on our Board of Directors over the years such as Joseph Bonadie, Robert Bonadie, St. Clair Bonadie, George Mc Intosh, R. N Eustace, C.W. Prescott, Ebenezer Duncan, S.O. Jack, R. T. Samuel, Clement Debique and Randolph B. Russell among others and was the only indigenous bank to implement a land development scheme to assist the less fortunate by purchasing estates which were subsequently subdivided and sold to farmers on concessionary terms.