Petersville School records 100 % passes in CPEA
The 26 students from the PetersVille School who wrote the CPEA Examination on May 19, 2017 were successful.
Kiera Rodgers is the top performer for the school ranking 40th for girls and 65th overall, with an average of 90.4%. She was outstanding in English in which she obtained a score of 98%. She achieved 86% for Science and 79% for Mathematics.
Fiaya Findlay came in second for the school. She placed 47th for girls and 76th overall. She scored 94% in English, 90% in Science and 79% in Mathematics, with an overall average of 89.4%. Nicole Douglas was third for the school, scoring 94% in English Language, 86% in Science and 73% in Mathematics.
Reyorn Richards was the top performer in Mathematics, she scored 85.8%.
The headteacher and staff of the Petersville School congratulate the entire graduating class and remind them that the race is not only for the swift but for those who endure to the end.