A Golden Jubilee for Women
“There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other the pen. There is a great rivalry and competition between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women” – Quote from Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of modern Pakistan.
We have used this quote from the Pakistani leader in the hope of it being an inspiration to our women on the occasion of International Women’s Day (IWD) to be celebrated worldwide tomorrow, March 8.
We extend greetings to our first female Head of State and all the mothers and daughters of our country, the Caribbean and the rest of the world on this occasion.
Whether they be teachers or students, judges and magistrates in charge of the justice system or female police officers, prison officers or females employed by private security firms; female doctors, nurses or other women who make valuable contributions to our health system; those who feed us at home, in restaurants and similar food service outlets; women employed in the hotel and hospitality industry including housekeepers and cleaners; women who take care of people with disabilities, the aged and young children; our devoted public sector workers and all not specifically mentioned here, best wishes on the Day devoted to all women.
Tomorrow marks 50 years since the United Nations acceded to demands from women all over the world to recognize the contribution of women to human development by setting aside a day for that fundamental contribution to be officially acknowledged. Thus, was International Women’s Day placed on the global calendar.
It must be acknowledged as well that in many countries of the world, women, particularly working women, had been celebrating IWD and urging governments and international institutions to do the same. Even here in tiny St Vincent and the Grenadines, IWD activities were held at the Peace Memorial Hall in Kingstown, more than five years before our country became independent, and one year before the Declaration by the United
Nations. We must therefore use this occasion to compliment our women for their achievements in advancing the status of women and improving their lives over the last 50 years.
Much has changed in a positive direction over that half a century. Women are now in positions and occupations that we would not have dreamt of in 1975. The time period gave birth to an organized women’s movement, though if truth be told, there are many signs of complacency in recent years.
It is as though our women are satisfied with their achievements over the years. Impressive as they are ,we have much further to go if our aim is to achieve gender parity in our society, At the bottom rung of our society there are women who are among those who suffer most. In addition to their problems, there is still discrimination and oppression on the grounds of their gender. Those fortunate women whose lives have been improved have a responsibility to assist in the fight to end the economic, social and sexual exploitation of women in our society.
We urge our women to be faithful to the theme for this year’s IWD, “Accelerate Action”. Remember Jinnah’s advice about the “third power”, that of women.