Buy ‘Everything Vincy’ for Independence 2022
October 28, 2022

Buy ‘Everything Vincy’ for Independence 2022

One of the most positive developments in our celebrations of National Independence in recent years has been the blooming of activities of varying nature during the month of October.

In addition to the traditional Parade and Church Service there is now a wide range of activities spanning the fields of culture, education, sport, health and community development organized at different levels, from the national right down to the community.

Of particular interest in recent years has been the revival of a National Exhibition, this time though, far more ambitious, and revealing the creativity and entrepreneurship of our people, still largely untapped.

The Everything Vincy Expo is now indeed an indication of a nation in development; the fourth version (Covid-19 and the volcanic eruption prevented any being held over the past two years), opened earlier this week at the Geest shed in Kingstown.

It is symbolic that Everything Vincy 2022 is being held at that venue. It reflects a departure from the outlook of the past, with emphasis on a monocrop export industry, to a new approach, which while still maintaining our agricultural export links, places emphasis on our entrepreneurs, their creativity and enterprise.

It is a statement about our future and the direction in which we are headed. Significantly, the first staging of this expo also heralded a break with the past, taking place at the old E.T. Joshua airport, shut down in favour of the new Argyle International Airport.

These tell us that our country is looking towards a diversified future in which the creative spirit and entrepreneurship of our people must play a leading part.
Everything Vincy provides a platform to showcase the range of products and services emanating from the bosom of our people, long retarded by lack of opportunity and exposure.

Finance Minister Camillo Gonsalves, in addressing the opening spoke of the role being played by the Government’s PRYME programme which he said has benefitted more than 1000 persons so far.

“A spirit of entrepreneurship is unleashed and finds fertile ground to grow,” is how he described it.

While these are as yet humble beginnings, we can at least begin to see the endless possibilities which lie ahead, but we have much further to go. The involvement of young people and women is especially encouraging and augurs well for the future.

We heartily congratulate the organizers, and encourage our people to visit the exhibition, buy ‘Everything Vincy’ and contribute towards the building of a new St Vincent and the Grenadines.