What is the most annoying thing about attending the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College (SVGCC)?
Community Opinion
April 1, 2014

What is the most annoying thing about attending the St Vincent and the Grenadines Community College (SVGCC)?

Tue Apr 1, 2013

Keemo Bynoe, second year: The most annoying thing about attending the SVGCC is the impressionists I have to deal with every day and the people who go out of the way to impress other people.{{more}}

Marvete Pierre, first year: The most annoying thing about attending college is having all these late classes, so by the time you’re at home, all you want to do is sleep; you don’t get enough work done at all, because all you want to do is sleep. Another thing is people trying to change themselves and be someone else in order to fit in.

Shannon Lawrence, first year: The most annoying thing is when certain lecturers want to treat students who are already at the age of consent and older, like primary school children. We do understand that the majority of these lecturers care for us and want to groom us in the right way. However, many of them say that they are not going to “baby spoon” us at school and with our school work, but then it’s OK for them treat us like primary school kids? At this stage we are very much able to know right from wrong; we don’t need to be spoon-fed and corrected for every little thing.

Niasha Mofford, first year: The most annoying thing about attending the SVGCC is the Internet service, or rather the lack of. Students are rarely ever able to access the Internet during the day, because it takes forever to load or simply does not work.

Kessi Jackson, first year: I hate that a lot of people just stare at you when you pass by. However, most importantly, a few of the lecturers are not motivating and I hate that. And also where lecturers do not give slow or weak students the attention they need, but they focus on their favourite students who “excel”. The lecturers and their “favourite” students both have a personal relationship which should be left outside the classrooms! The lecturers’ motivation should just be strictly business and in a manner fit for the classroom.