If you were the Dean of the college, what’s the one subject you would take off the curriculum and why?
Community Opinion
March 4, 2014

If you were the Dean of the college, what’s the one subject you would take off the curriculum and why?

Tue Mar 4, 2013

By Sayie Ollivierre

Curtis Johnson, first year

I would not remove any. I think that all subjects offered at the college are there to create a larger career scope for young Vincentians which they would hopefully use to create a better Vincentian society.{{more}}

Kelroy Richardson, first year

If I were the Dean of the college and I had the privilege to remove a subject from the curriculum, before making that choice, I would consider that all of the subjects on the curriculum are important and by removing one or more I will be hindering students academic development.

Annie Lavia, first year

Communication Studies, because it is a requirement for a student to have a pass in English Language at CSEC and in my opinion it is really not needed since you don’t have to do it in second year.

Giana Alexander, first year

If I were to be the Dean of the college, I would remove Communication Studies from the curriculum, because while it serves its own purpose of teaching us how to communicate effectively, the syllabus appears to be extremely similar to that of English A.

Bryanna Hadaway, first year

If I were the Dean of the college, I don’t think I would remove any subject from the curriculum, because even though the removal of a subject or two might benefit me, it would put some other students at a disadvantage and education should be equal for all.