What do you think is the cause for the rising crime, especially among young people, in St Vincent and the Grenadines. What is a solution?
Patrina Gaymes â 18 years, second year student DASGS
* I think the cause of the rise of crime in SVG, especially among the youths, is due to the absence of a strong family foundation, the absence of values and morals. The family is seen as the corner stone in the building of a well-rounded individual. The non-existence of this crucial element of development would result in catastrophic consequences. A simple solution to this issue, which may also be used as a means of avoiding it, is the creation of various community groups aimed at youth development, to fill the void the absence of the family would have created.
Mckish Compton â 16 years, first year student DASGS
* I think the main cause of the rise of crime in the country among the young people is because of poverty. When persons are poor, they resort to drastic measures which may result in committing illegal activities. One way to help solve this is by providing proper resources to the families who are in need of it.
Elsie Myers â 17 years, first year student DASGS
* I think the major cause of the rising crime in SVG is unemployment and poverty. I think a solution to this problem should be that everyone be provided with education or given the opportunity to be educated. We also need more governmental and neighbouring help from others. I really think that this issue needs to be met in order to reduce the crime rate in SVG.
Kerry Haynes â 18 years, first year student DASGS
* I think the rising of the crime rate in SVG among youths is caused by the need for material things such as phones, tablets etc. These things lure the attention of young people which keeps them thinking if everyone has it they all would want it, or feel the need to have these items because “itâs the âinâ thing.â Most young people who are considered to be criminals are unemployed and idlers. However, this can be solved if there are jobs to occupy young peopleâs time, especially those who are unemployed.
Alex Peters â 17 years, first year student DSAGS
* The main reasons for the rising crime among youths are money and drugs. A solution to this issue is by making jobs available for the young people of the nation.