Clues and Answers
July 22, 2011

Answers and winners in Searchlight Treasure Hunt July 20, 2011


1. Sabotage/Attempted overthrows of the government. 27 years (pg.16)
2. St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Antigua (pg.15)
3. Ping –Pong (pg.22)
4. Ijahlon Butler, MVP/Best Scorer /Best Spiker (pg.20)
5. 2001 (pg.18)


1. Petel Sandy
2. Rochelle Tannis
3. Casita Laidlow
4. Garry Adams


1 – A gift from Courts
2 – A $25 credit from Digicel
3 – A $20 gift voucher from Jujube
4 – A $10 patty meal from Bickles