Clues and Answers
June 24, 2011

Answers and winners in Searchlight Treasure Hunt June 22, 2011


1. 30 yrs – Pg 21
2. Robert M. Anderson – Pg 8
3. CIBC – Pg 4
4. Blog – Pg 9
5. Errol ‘Nina’ Neverson, Fred Trimmingham, Seymour ‘Rollit’ Waldron, Gideon ‘Ragga’ Horne, Leroy ‘Sony King’ Bailey, Victor Peters, Louis Boucher and Oscar Moss – Pg 20


1. Aaliya M. John
2. Keyon Gaymes
3. Lichelle Cummings
4. Seymonde Mulcaire


1 – A gift from Courts
2 – A $25 credit from Digicel
3 – A $20 gift voucher from Jujube
4 – A $10 patty meal from Bickles