Ways in which SMEs can be adaptable in the face of changing consumer and market trends
Business Buzz
October 8, 2024

Ways in which SMEs can be adaptable in the face of changing consumer and market trends

Some of the critical areas for small and medium sizes businesses in particular are cash flow, growth strategies and investments in operations. However, how adaptive is your business to emerging and consumer trends?
Your target market may shift their behaviour in a predictable and non-predictable way. How equipped are you to deal with this?

As a business you should be looking to maintain your market share and even increase it, as well as maintain brand reputation and sales; therefore, you should identify, understand and adapt to trends. Failure to do so can be the difference between thriving and falling behind in an increasingly competitive market place.

From shifts in buyer behaviour to inflationary pressure, trends are shaping our business landscape. Shifts in the economy can affect consumer spending habits which in turn affect the demand for products and services offered by your business, e.g. consumers may cut back on discretionary spending leading to a decrease in sales; further to this, fluctuations in the economy can affect pricing as well as supply and demand.

For clarity purposes, according to ScotPac Business Finance, the term ‘consumer trend’ refers to the aggregate of wants, needs and values of customers and clients. These trends don’t just influence consumer spending but they affect how people use and talk and products and services.
By staying abreast of these trends, your brand can leverage ideas that inspire product innovation and content creation, as well as discover new ways to differentiate your brand and services and, by extension, make smarter decisions about your marketing, communication and sales strategies.
Examples of changing consumer trends include for example: Tourism- the significant shift by tourists towards immersive experiences at destinations.

Retail: the rise of eCommerce platforms and contactless payment methods.
Delivery: The increased expectation and preference for product delivery. The more proactive your strategies are in capitalizing on changes, the more successful the adjustment will be. Below are some tips to help your brand adjust to economic changes as well as build resilience in the face of uncertainty.

Navigating challenging times

•Diversify your revenue streams: One source of income can leave your business vulnerable during economic challenges. Take the time to explore new markets for your products/services. These new markets can reduce the reliance on a single customer segment.

• Strengthen customer relationships: During challenging times, maintaining strong relationships with your existing customers are crucial. Providing customized service, offering incentives and staying in regular communication demonstrates your commitment.

• Explore assistance programmes: Research and take advantage of assistance programmes whether from the government or development companies; said programmes are designed to support small and medium sized business in particular.

• Invest in Marketing and Innovation: It may be tempting to cut back on Marketing and Innovation during challenging times, but this is when you can gain a competitive edge.

Utilize cost effective marketing strategies such as social media campaigns or targeted advertising.

How can your brand build resilience during challenging times?

Navigating through tough times is crucial for survival. Anticipating potential challenges can help your business stay afloat and even thrive. Here’s how:

• Maintain a strong cash flow: Having a healthy cash flow helps you to weather economic uncertainties. Consider implementing measures such as tightening credit terms and reducing expenses among other things. Ensure these cuts don’t impact or compromise the quality of your products or the service offered.

• Diversify your customer base and product offerings: By expanding your customer base and diversifying your product or service range, the impact of any economic downturn can be reduced depending on the sector or industry you are in.

• Invest in technology: Embracing technology can enhance your business efficiency and competitiveness. Explore artificial intelligence solutions that can streamline processes, reduce costs while still maintaining communication with customers.

• Stay informed: Regularly monitor key economic indicators and stay updated on government policies that may impact your business. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions and by extension adapt your strategies accordingly. Explore assistance programmes.

Candice Sealey is the Founder & Principal Consultant at Ignite! a Full-service Marketing & PR Consultancy that helps businesses/brands to stand out and communicate the right message to the right people at the right time through Strategy, Marketing, Media services and Design solutions.
She is also a freelance content writer, advertising copywriter, voice-over talent, media personality. Follow us on FB & IG @igniteresults Phone:784-432-2223. Email: igniteresults@gmail.com