Three reasons why your start-up needs a strategic communication plan
Business Buzz
October 3, 2023

Three reasons why your start-up needs a strategic communication plan

Most recently, we have seen the Promoting Youth Micro Enterprises (PRYME) grant initiative evolve with persons being encouraged to submit applications for ‘PRYME Rides’.

Entrepreneurship is definitely a key element in the powering of economies. In fact, it can be argued that economic growth is hindered when the entrepreneurship rate decreases. Be that as it may, many businesses fail in their early stages; factors for such occurrence include cash flow issues and intense competition, however, have you considered that poor communication can lead to business failure?

As always, I like to ensure there is clarity when it comes to a theme/topic. A strategic communication plan is the strategy that your startup can use to communicate effectively with its target audience and other stakeholders such as suppliers. It showcases the mediums through which information will flow from one person to another both internally and externally and it applies whether you are a small, medium or large business/brand. Its purpose is to detail the actions that will help your start-up achieve its goals; it must show the ‘what, who, why, where and how’ information is transferred.

Here are three reasons why your start-up needs a strategic communication plan.

Two-way communication is a must as a start-up – In your initial stages you will be tempted to follow an “informative communication model’ which means you keep pushing out information to the public; whilst this is good, you should also embrace conversation communication models.

This allows you to have a deeper understanding of your audience e.g., at this early stage, you should have feedback mechanisms in place that allow your stakeholders to communicate their challenges or issues; you then can address these issues thus creating trust and by extension build a positive reputation.

Consider this, you received a PRYME grant, you launched the business and you proceed to share information on social media about the various products and services being offered. What feedback systems do you have in place to engage with your customers or potential customers if they have questions or concerns? How are you monitoring complaints or questions from the public? How are issues, complaints or general feedback being dealt with? How’s your online presence?

Foster an atmosphere of growth – If everyone in your startup (no matter how small the team) knows what to do and how to do it, there is room for growth and sustainability. Poor communication breeds delays, low productivity and even mismanagement. A strategic communication plan allows the flow of information which ensures a positive work environment.

Minimizes risks – Imagine a crisis situation and everyone is confused about what should be done! If your startup up faces a crisis, strategic communication can help it survive and thrive in the long run by providing a platform for reliable decision making which in turn leads to informed decisions.

l Candice Sealey is the Founder & Principal Consultant at Ignite! a Full-service Marketing & PR Consultancy that helps businesses/brands to stand out and communicate the right message to the right people at the right time through Strategy, Marketing, Media services and Design solutions.

She is also a freelance content writer, advertising copywriter, voiceover talent, media personality. Follow us on FB & IG @igniteresults Phone:784-432-2223. Email: