Make a lasting impression at the expo with these tips!
Business Buzz
October 21, 2022

Make a lasting impression at the expo with these tips!

I can only imagine this must be one of the busiest times for the many businesses that are participating in the upcoming expo. Whether you are hoping to spread the word about a new offering or simple build awareness of your brand, use these tips to connect with more people at the expo:

Business Cards – Make your business card work for you with a QR code. Ask potential customers to scan the code so you can easily and quickly collect their information. This makes it easy to follow up with them when the event is over. In addition, you can update the website or platform that your business card is linked to, with a special message. Thank them for visiting your booth along with a special incentive.

Social Media templates – Spread the word about your presence at the expo on social media. Stay active on these platforms and document the behind-the-scenes process of setting up your booth, encourage visitors to post about the business or incentivize passers by to follow you with a special offer. When the event is over, you can create a video for Tik Tok or even a carousel for Facebook and so much more! Use social media content to engage with your new followers and stay connected long after the trade show ends.

Postcards – How about handing a postcard to attendees of the expo. Make sure it includes your logo, social handles, and any other key information – try including a special offer or promotional code. Once the event has concluded, stay top of mind with an email or WhatsApp message. Send to everyone who signed up for you mailing list.

Run a giveaway – get potential customers excited (and collect their contact information) with a giveaway. A raffle is a great way to help your booth stand out and you’ll build excitement among your visitors. Give away a higher – value promotional item with your logo on it or raffle a free product or service or do a demonstration

Candice Sealey is the Founder & Principal Consultant at Ignite! a Full-service Marketing & PR Consultancy that helps businesses/brands to stand out and communicate the right message to the right people at the right time through Strategy, Marketing, Media services and Design solutions. She is also a freelance content writer, advertising copywriter, voiceover talent, media personality. Follow us on FB & IG @igniteresults Phone:784-432-2223. Email: