What are you selling?
Business Buzz
August 20, 2021

What are you selling?

Have you ever sat down and thought about what you are really selling? This is a question I always urge businesses to think about from the start-up phase. This week I attended an online session and unsurprisingly, it was a question that the facilitator emphasised. Knowing what you are selling significantly influences the messaging you use in your communication efforts. People always want to know what’s in it for them; they are not interested in buying a product or service but more so, in the benefit that the product or service provides. The question you should strive to answer is, what solution is your product or service providing?

Let’s get practical; let’s say as a woman you want healthy, glowing skin, so you purchase a branded exfoliating product that promises that. Your main interest or reason for buying this product is the benefit that it provides. What you really care about is the benefit you will personally receive. If we take it a step further, not only are you interested in the benefit but also certain returns so not only do you want healthy, glowing skin but you want to look and feel great – all the rewards that come from having glowing skin. Therefore, it goes beyond the initial benefit to possibly looking youthful and minimising the appearance of lines on your face or your skin. If you are in the business of producing locally made exfoliating products or even soaps and lotions, this should be your thought process. If you are a tour operator, what are you selling? No, it’s not just tours! If you have an I.T business, what are you selling? No. it’s not I.T. services! The optician doesn’t just sell glasses, they sell vision. Here’s how you can further apply this notion to your business:

1. How do you present your brand to consumers? Stop creating adverts saying you sell this product or that service. Get a fresh perspective. People don’t buy things and especially today, people don’t want to spend money, however, they will spend money if they feel they are receiving additional value. You are selling a service, so what? What does that mean for your intended customer? How are they benefiting?

2. What do consumers want? You may want to emphasise something about your product or service but is that what really matters to the consumer? Find out what really matters to them and show how your product or service satisfies that. The feedback, including the language used by your customers, can assist you in shaping your marketing messages so listen to what they have to say!

3. Review the copy on your social media pages and website. Once you have done all the above, you will find that you must restructure or rewrite your digital content e.g. description of your business on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn. The changed copy, layout and design will help to position your offering differently. Take some time to test the changes and get feedback.

I leave you with this. What is it that you are really selling? Think about it…

Candice Sealey is a freelance content writer, advertising copywriter, voice-over talent, media personality and the Founder & Principal Consultant at Ignite! a Full-service Marketing & PR Consultancy that helps businesses/brands to stand out, engage and connect with the right people through Strategy, Marketing, Media services and Design solutions.
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Email: igniteresults@gmail.com