Maturing skin
If youâre in your twenties or thirties you may be surprised to find yourself in this category – surely maturing means youâre in your forties? Well, not necessarily. What maturing skin means is that for some reason (be it sun damage, smoking or high levels of stress) your skin is starting to act old- and this may have nothing to do with your age. By acting old, it means that your skin may be starting to lose its natural glow or its elasticity. Itâs likely to be developing more lines than you would like or becoming a slave to open pores. These things can begin as early as your mid-twenties or thirties.{{more}} However you can slow them down. If you do have mature skin you choose a cleanser that contains alpha – or beta hydroxy acids, as these help to increase cell replacement which slows down maturing skin, they also clean and open pores that become more noticeable as we age. In terms of moisturizing, you should be aiming to replace oils and water, the more hydrated the skin is, the less noticeable lines and wrinkles are including the neck and chest.
Do you like what you see when you look in the mirror?
Would you prefer your eyes to be wider, your skin to be softer, you hair be fuller? If you would youâre the average woman there and very few women alive who are happy with their looks. You see, the thing about beauty is that no matter how you look naturally- how puffy eyed, spotty-skinned, broad nosed, larger lips or limp-haired you are, with the right equipment and the right techniques you can improve yourself. And with that improvement comes, increases self-confidence and self-love, these are two of the most beautiful and important qualities any woman can possess.
Beautiful skin is essential for making the most of your looks without it all that carefully applied make-up will either go patchy and blotchy, slides into lines and wrinkles or disappear off your face in a shiny, oily mess. The simple truth is that most even have so called normal skin, with its plump, shiny texture, radiant glow and minimal breakouts. Instead we have dry bits, oily bits or irritated bits, and that means our skin doesnât always look or feel as good as it should. But the good news is that you donât have to put up with this. By knowing what kind of skin you have and how to treat it, you can solve you particular problems. Balance the level of water and oil in your skin and you will create the state of harmony that is beautiful, perfect, normal skin.