Blessed Are the Pure in Spirit
Allan Cruickshank
Bassy - Love Vine
March 7, 2025

Blessed Are the Pure in Spirit

My most lasting memories of Hon. Allan Cruickshank was de first and last. In 1984, NDP had just swept de polls and Cruickshank was de new Minister of Education, and Sports too, I think. One of his first official engagement as minister was ah Football game at Victoria Park.


He came wid two lickle youthmen, his sons. He was shy, ordinarily dressed, no jacket and tie. No official from de FA Executive was dey to escort him, and as humble as ever he headed foh de touchline to watch de game. When ah felt it was overbearing ah introduced me-self and took him and his boys over to his rightful place, de VIP stand. Happily we became good friends after dat. Ah followed his progress as he grew in pop-yuh-law-writy and stature never losing his humility.

However, my proudest memory of Allan was when he acted Prime Minister. One day ah vehicle flying de Nah-shun-all Flag pulled up next to me. He quickly alighted de vehicle and welcome me to South Central Windward, and invited me to “ come go ride wid yuh Prime Minister,” and den buss-out ah big laugh.

My last memory was during his retirement. He went back to his lands, and we met at Mt Greenan junction, in his vehicle, an ole pich-up wid ah load ah breadfruit and bananas like ah Trafficker, clothes covered wid banana stains, rubber boots and cap. He greeted me warmly, and invited me to ah breadfruit. Jokingly he said: “ eat de best breadfruit anywhere in SVG.” Allan might ah bin joking but he was right, dat breadfruit tasted real nice, de taste still in me mouth.

Unfortunately, dat was de last time we met and chat. Heaven has lots ah room foh de Meek and Mild, Allan is gone, gone to Heaven. May he rest peacefully.

EMPRESS Leila Greaves.

So move from Hon. Cruichshank, King Humble himself, and I now greet Empress, Leila Greaves, ah title award foh Kindness, Generosity, Humility, Management/Leadership! and finally Love!

De scriptures say Love covers it all! In SVG whether yuh Yellow, Black or White, dey’s three Categories ah people: Rich, Poor and Pure! Mrs Greaves my Richmond Hill/ Doshster Hill cousin, was born Poor White! When she was 12 years ole, she reached Standard Six, passed wid flying colours foh Secondary School, but her parents were too poor to afford Secondary School.
So at dat tender age, she had to leave school to go wuk at United Traders Ltd (UTL), to help support her three younger siblings. She was made Cashier, interestingly she was so small dat her chair had to be elevated by placing it on ah box. Back in the 1940’s Child Labour was permitted, I suppose.

Wid her lickle Cashier job, her life gradually began to change from poverty to purity, Poor White to Pure White. Dat progression further enhanced when she left UTL to join her husband and helped develop his small business on Bay Street, one building down from what is now CK Greaves &Co.
Foh as long as ah could remember, Mother Greaves was always ah Christian Believer who practiced True Christianity to de Letter. She gave freely to de poor and less fortunate.

Ah was blessed to be able to sit and chat wid her whenever she was not busy. Her office was next to de front entrance way she was “Monarch of all I survey,” ah commanding view of operations on de floor. When “CK” her first husband died, She automatically became Managing Director, ah position dat made her ah more caring and loving human being. She kept her own Poor Relief File wid all applications foh assistance dat covered ever aspect of Public Assistance- School Fees, Books, Groceries- even persons seeking Medical Help locally and overseas Tell me about dat, my name is some-way on dat list.

Mother Greaves commanded great respect way-ever she was present, maybe her tall and towering figure meant ah lot. But foh someone as poor as her parents were, having to cut short formal schooling- sorry she attended de School of Life, Business and Humane Understanding and Love. Zero Degrees, but hot wid Business Temperature. And to have been bestowed by de Go-venom-mint of 1982 wid the honour of Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG), for service to business and to the community, is ah Big Deal. May she Rest Eternally.

And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy.

  • Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.