Well Done! Good and Faithful Servant
Bassy - Love Vine
January 31, 2025

Well Done! Good and Faithful Servant

De year just open and is like every weekend we are crowded wid funerals, Nah-shun-all Treasures who would have made meaningful contribution to de development of SVG. Be it business, teaching, farming, religion, whatever. Last week it was Edna De Nobriga;  before her was Ken Boyea; and before him Doris Mc Kie. Dis week is Pastor Noel Clarke.

Unfortunately is when dey gone we giving dem de flowers, Pastor Clarke getting all kind ah titles: Pastor, Reverend, Bishop, Disciple, but I have great appreciation for Noel Clarke de Evangelist. How vividly ah remember “ Encounter” dat popular TV Programme he shared wid de late Bishop George Frederick foh years. De Man of God even had ah short stint as Acting Governor General. One of his senior Clergyman described him as an Apostle. Dat title fits him too. He built ah number of churches and related Christian Organisation and Projects. He, along wid de help of two brothers -Burp and Vernon, actually revived nine mornings in Layou in 1992, and it still going strong. We all have pleasant memories of dis lickle man filled wid de Holy Spirt.

If yuh notice ah bigging up Noel, is because we are family, my mother told me years ago dat de Gabriel Family Tree in Dorsetshire Hill have us recorded as Grand and Great-Grand sons of two brothers,James and Charles Gabriel. When he heard dat ah got Bishop Pope, one of his Junior Pastors den, to administer my public declaration of faith and obedience to God,(water baptism), he smiled approvingly and told me had I chosen him, ah would ah gotten de ducking of my life. In one ah our great conversations, he had just returned from Canada on an Evangelist Mission. From all reports his presentations were very good. One Canadian brother took him shopping foh clothes, but he had difficulties choosing an appropriate style and colour, de brother told him to choose three suits: a brown one for regular Church Service, ah blue one foh weddings and ah black one for funerals. Den de brother told him, “you must look special doing de Lord’s work.” Pastor Clarke was indeed special doing de Lord’s work. Let him rest peacefully.


President Donald Trump is de perfect explanation of de quotation: “We’re all monsters, some of us just hide it better than others. Last Monday here is what he had to say, “ This week, I will reinstate any service member who were unjustly expelled from our military for objecting to the COVID 19 Vaccine mandate with full back pay”. About 8,000 troops were forced out of the US service for refusing the order, according to de Military Times. Lie-Za pick dat up and she ran wid it. She wondering way de Pry-minister got to say, because dis is good news foh dem Public Servants who were dismissed foh not taking de COVID 19 Vax-scene. Dey actually won dey case in de High Court, but de records will show de DPP office appealed- Not Gone-soft Go-venim-minh yuh know. What Lia-Za notice is dat de Prime Minister no longer comments on dat Vax-scene Case, notice who makes statements on dat Case in Par-liar-mint, is de Ministers of Hell’t and Itchy-care-shun. Nobody better doh call de PM name. It is no way on any ah dem doc-yuh-mint.

And de nex item on Trump’s Ah-gender is Deportation of Undocumented citizens, including 129 Vincent-shuns. Some way ah see ah note dat says ‘de US President Trump is to transfer undocumented immigrants to Guantanamo. Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba. Is ah United States military prison within Naval Station Leased to the United States with no end date since 1903 as a coaling station and naval base. Lie-za got news foh Trump. Half ah dem deportees will find demselves right back in de US, some ah dey descendants will even sit in de White House. One Day One Day! Conquer Day! Trust me, ants will bring de news.

And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

  • Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.