Yes, we have no bananas,  no sugar cane, no our-root
Bassy - Love Vine
October 24, 2024

Yes, we have no bananas, no sugar cane, no our-root

In-de-pan-dance Anniversary Parade dis year is ah night-ah-fare, which takes me back to the year 1979, de time of de original inauguration ceremony, when de ten year ole Statehood Flag of 1969 was lowered, and our present I-dip-and-dance Nah-shun-all Flag took to de skies. Also de first Governor, High-will George was installed. Amusingly, Lie-Za say dat only last week when de official announcement was aired dat dis year, de activities will be shifted from day to night, she overheard her grand-mother, in her bedroom talking to she-self, saying: “ Lard. Dat night parade ah one bad sign, de first and last time we had dis Big In-deep-and-dence Parade in de night, was in ‘79”. Dat ole lady is ah die-hard supporter, she claims she got “eyes of faith,” she kept saying “ah win by one vote” is ah Shallow victory, even Suffray like it ain’t approve; but NOMO say to worry NOMO, is only ah lickle gas problem like ah snap eject-shun!

Any how less talk In-de-pen-dance of yes-today. My US based (Nonagenarian+1) buddy, Dennis Mounsey with whom ah does do me facts check, confirm dat back in de Co-luny-y’all times,1940’S1950’s, Empire Day, 24th May was ah Nah-shun-all holiday thru-out de Common-Well’th. Was ah public holiday, and ah big one too! Dey was always ah full military Parade at Victoria Park. De uniformed folks like Police, Nurses, Scouts, Guides and all dem students from de three major schools in Kingstown attended. Occasionally we were graced wid ah UK or US Battle Ship in port and de sailors uses to join de Parade. One ah de high points when ah Battle Ship visited, was when kids were allowed to officially visit, ride in de life-boats, go up pon de captain’s bridge, down in de engine room, sit in de gun-pit. Dey was no Police Band in SVG, but on such auspicious occasion, de finest musicians. De Mc Intoshes, Keanes and Daisleys were engaged foh official functions.

De long awaited Empire Day Parade began at seven o-clock (7:00 a.m) on de dot, we marched from our school compound to Victoria Park, to await de arrival of our Co-Luny-y’all contingent, de King’s representatives: de Administrator, Crown Attorney, Post Master General, Chief of Police, all far-rainers; dressed according to dey military ranks, dey medals MBE, CBE, KCMG, VC. Dey sat on de VIP stage. Did I men-shun de post of Co-Luny-y’all Treasurer, man who made ah lot ah dis-honest local Civil Servants go to jail foh teefing de King’s money, a.k.a embezzlement. Accountability, or de lack thereof was not like way going on in Go-venom-mint now. Was serious business. During de actual Parade we sang only Patriotic Songs and we had to know dem by heart: “ God Save our Gracious King; I Vow to thee my Country; Rule Britania.” Vincy or Carry-beyond Folk Songs were unheard of, so by 10:00 a.m we were back in school foh our once ah year treat: Corned-beef/bully-beef and penny-bread, buns, sweets, and de high point of de treat was ah whole 8 oz bottle ah sweet drinks, Fru-T or O-so, de fore-runners of today’s Ju-C. Pepsi, Sprite and Coke. Come mid-day we were back at Victoria Park fo de annual Inter-school Athletics Sports, Met-dis, Cat-lick and Anglo-can, Highly competitive.

Basically dat was de early fore-runner or pre-In-deepen-dents Day activities in Kingstown. Of course dey was ah big fete and dance in Paul’s Lot at de Workingmen’s Association Hall, now ah Warehouse. And also at Youth Centre Grounds now LIME main office.


We really needed to free-up we-self from dis Co-Luny-y’all enslavement. So Blessings on our real Nay-shun builders, men like George Mc Intosh, Joshua and grassrooters like Sherrif Lewis and Betha Mutt, folks who actually were imprisoned fighting foh our Freedom. Names dat we might not hear men-shuned on Sunday night when de big add-dresses are made. But we doing well, we have de Best Rum, but we doh have ah simple Sugar Factory or ah root ah Sugar Cane planted in de ground! We having Man-doh-go, sorry, Madungo Festival but no simple Our-Root Factory or no Our-Root even planted foh over three years; We almost complete ah new Wharf so de Banana Boats could come transport our Bananas, but we have abandoned de simple Banana Fields foh years. Look nah, N-Joy de In-de-Pen-Dance, better Days are coming. And wid dat is Gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

  • Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.