Award! Ah-Ward! Awe-Ward
RENWICK ROSE (centre), on instructions from resident of, Miguel Diaz Canel Bermudez, was presented with the Friendship Medal by Cuban Ambassador Carlos Rodriguez Echeverry. At right is Tamara Armenteros Alcee, official of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP)
Bassy - Love Vine
October 18, 2024

Award! Ah-Ward! Awe-Ward

FIRST FOH AH long time ah get ah challenge from an English Word:“Award!” Now dey’s Award!

Ah-Ward and dey’s Awe-Ward, de awesome. Basically though, it’s all about appreciation foh performances and de level and quality of de performances. So how does ah-ward and awe-ward differ?

Google separates dem humorously: “Awe” as in Awe-some is so super exciting dat our only explanation is to shout “Ah!”

Lie-za say she wants no “Shock’n’Awe!” all she wants is an MBE or OBE de Ah-ward dat de King does give when you wuk long and hard in de Public Service. Ah told her most recipients does dress-up in three piece suits, or evening gown, never mind sun boiling hot, just to attend In-deep-and-dance Military Parade or go to Go-venommint House to receive dey Gold Medal from de King’s Representative, Governor General, Dame Susan Dougan. Lie-in Lie-Za say she witnessed one proud recipient actually kissed her Medal whispering “ Ahh-Ward! ah wuk hard’n’ long fee yuh.”

But de big Mc Coy from Massah is de “Awe-ward” dat’s ah Knighthood as in Sir and Dame foh de faithful and loyal colonialists, as well as Sportsmen like Gary Sobers, Len Hutton, Frank Worrel et al. Ah would have seen several photos in de local Newspapers wid Prime Ministers, Deputy Prime Ministers Ministers male and female, ordinary Vincy people at Buckingham Palace, all dressed in rented outfit, Winston Churchill pinned-strip suit and stingy brim, round rim hat, posing next to Buckingham Royal Guards shaking de late Queen Betty’s hand as dey receive dey Golden Awe-Ward.

But our own University of the West Indies among its several faculties is gradually correcting dat strawdish-shun. UWI is offering de same Knighthood, dat awesome Awe-Ward, giving stalwarts like Sir Viv, Curtley Ambrose et al. dey due recognition.

And while still on this awesome Awe-Ward subject, ah read way when The University of the West Indies at Cave Hill stages its annual graduation ceremony this weekend .Our very own Governor General, Dame Susan Dilys Dougan, will be receiving de Doctor of Laws (LLD) for her contribution to the development of education.

One ah my grandsons was way behind in Mathematics, and Dame Susan Dylis, ah Graduate in Science, straightened him out wid some evening Lessons.

President of Cuba Confers Honour on Renwick Rose It would be remiss of me if another week goes by and ah fail to congratulate my fellow Newspaper Columnist and trusted friend ,Renwick who has been given Cuba’s highest Medal of Friendship, most awesome Awe-Ward.

Ah lickle piece of de citation states: “ Rose has been given the award ‘In recognition of his support and backing for the strengthening and deepening of ties with our people based on brotherhood solidarity and cooperation… as well as for his outstanding participation in campaigns in defence of the Revolution and denunciation of aggressions against Cuba, especially those related to condemnation of the unjust economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba.” De full text was in Searchlight two weeks ago.

Please get ah copy. Happy to say though, we have ah lot more similar citations pertaining to Renwick.

His loyalty to his word, his steadfast commitment to tasks and promises, and his contribution to Searchlight Newspaper over de last 29 years widout fail. De simplest word dat will best describe Renwick Ellsworth, Adrian Rose is in his initials dat says: “R” as in Renwick, “A” as in Adrian, “R” as in Rose and “E” as in Ellsworth. Ah “RARE” Specie. Congrats Renwick, just keep on keeping on!

And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

  • Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.