Come-Red doh hang yu hat too high
Bassy - Love Vine
May 3, 2024

Come-Red doh hang yu hat too high

Lie-Za was bringing me up to date wid de ninth edition of de ICC Men’s T/20 World Cup wid matches dat will take place at Arnos Vale next month- June. De West Indies hosted de Tournament back in 2007, dat was 17 years ago. Wid great expectations SVG went all out. According to de PM back in 2007 we were about to experience de “largest movement of peoples crossing de Atlantic since Conquest.” It was ah disaster foh SVG’s pocket as we spent millions upgrading Arnos Vale, and all we got was ah couple insignificant warm up games! But now in 2024, eighteen years after, we are certain to get at least ah couple Big Matches. So we going Bigga dan ever. In Addition to lights and electronic scoreboard, we will be putting down three swimming pools on de grounds as added attract-shun. And we not renting pools like Bo-bathe-us, we building permanent pools. To avoid three white elephants down at Arnos Vale, Lie-Za suggesting dat Steven Joke-him and his hard working, Swimming Association dat is doing so much foh our young swimmers, encourage Go-venom-mint to build one big swimming pool or none at all. But Lie-Za’s question is, wid all dis un-budgeted works, what will be de final projected cost. At ah Press Conference, one reliable source said it was about 40 million US dollars in de beginning. De scope of de work has changed, and de budget has increased by 10 million US. About now it has gone to 50 million dollars. Lie-Za asking 50 million US or EC? But de PM, de man wid de purse said on state-owned NBC Radio, dat Go-venom-mint is spending EC$38 million. Will we ever get de truth?


Last Wednesday, May 1st was Workers Day, Labour Day, or plain and simple May Day. Once upon ah time Labour Day was dedicated to Workers Serious Business. Workers displayed united strength in numbers marching to show off who bigger dan who! And once again, dis year Labour Day came and it went like nothing. No march. No rally. No nothing to do wid workers solidarity. Instead, wukers went on boat-ride and beach pick-nick. Popular Mas band leader Blondie Bird would ah say : “ Look How de Labour Day Come”. At least dis year more dan any, PSU and SVUT should ah called ah solidarity March foh de close to 600 front line workers (Teachers, Nurses) who were dismissed widout even pen-shun or gratuity, for refusing to tek de aunty COVID 19 Vax-seen. Remember dey’s ah High Court ruling dat de Gone-soft led ULP Go-venom-ment was wrong to tek such act-shuns, so these wukers are hope-full foh ah successful ruling from de Carry-beyond Court of Justice dat ironically begins de hearing yesterday, Thursday 2nd May, one day after May Day. Ole people say “an ounce ah Faith is mightier dan ah Pound ah Hate!”


On Labour Day we should be announcing de names of outstanding Nah-shun-all workers who would have performed during de previous year. My choice dis year would be Steve Audain my new tailor in Hopewell, Marriaqua Valley. So ah had dis wedding to attend, and my wife and daughter insisted ah get ah new outfit. My I-dare was to buy ah nicely fitted shirt and pants from one ah dem local boutiques in Middle Street. No way, de wife said. She looked at ah number of magazines, and picked ah suite foh me. She and my daughter made ah phone call to ah gentleman ah never met and vice versa. And wid one Smart Phone wid camera, ah 3-feet measuring tape and directions from my tailor on how to measure de several parts of my suite, dat part was finished. Dat was Thursday, and wedding was Sat-dey, so ah tell meself is no way ah going dat wedding. But Steve had other I-dares. On Friday night ah was modelling in me suite. Mek it better, while de tailor was wuking on my suite, someone pass by, looked at de suite and ordered ah pair. Ah will not quote price but simply say, if yuh have ah suite to mek now fee now. Give Steve ah phone call. 498-0923.

And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy