A Magnificent Vincy Bajan Wedding
Last Sat-dey afternoon ah befriended ah group of Beer-Johns who came in to attend ah magnificent wedding ceremony. Our very own princess Shari Hannaway joined hearts wid Shamari Cave, one of Bo-bathe-us’ Pride Engineer. After listening to ah very fitting message by Rev Adolph Davis’ who reminded US ALL of de rich value in marriage, and I quote: “ God said, it was not good for man to dwell alone,” de guests were ready to mix and mingle foh an hour of cock-tails as we listened to “Rodney Pan Boss Small” drummers at Young Island dock (car park), before taking de ferry over to de reception area on Young Island Resort itself. Trust me, Young Island looked Red-De foh de occasion, thanks to Toya’s “Jo Che Events Planner.” Let me just repeat one of de glorious comments our Bo-Beer-John friends had to say about Young Island: “ Brother dis little island Resort woe-nah got here, has to be one ah de nicest piece ah Real Estate in de world, no kidding!!” We doh appreciate what we have. it is said dat three hundred years ago, dat Young Island belonged to Paramount, Chief Joseph Chatoyer, our first Nah-shun-all Hero. But Sir William Young, de British Governor at de time, had ah High Bred White Stallion. Chatoyer went Horsteric over de Governor’s horse, feeling dat only ah Chief should ride ah White Horse on Hairouna land. De Governor well wanted de island, agreed suggesting de Horse for Land (Real Estate). Deal closed. As was expected Governor Young named de island “ Young island” after him. But de gentleman who transformed Young Island from its unspoilt virgin state 60 years ago, was millionaire, John Houser of Hilton Hotel Group. Is nice to have Sandals Hotels in 2024, but Young Island in 1960 was and sill is ah Gem; I say no more.
Now dis article would have to be rewritten if ah failed to Big-Up Shari oops, Mrs Shamari Cave foh de two years of planning every single detail of her Big Day. Lots ah ting was said at de Reception. How she met her husband, ah fellow student at UWI St Augustine in T’n’T. How he, Shamari got stumped early when whatever he said or tried, Shari told him up front: “ I came to University to get my Degree, I didn’t come here to get ah Man!” Lord have mercy, de tings we can say at weddings! Anyhow Shamari did not give up. Two years ago when he thought de time was right, he romantically took Shari foh ah stroll up Fort Duvernette, (Rock Fort behind Young
Island), dat eerie fortress, 225 steps climb. Dat’s when he chose to propose, dis time Shari did not oppose.
And foh de next two years Shari and her strong support team of original GHS Classmates went to de Drawing Board. As ah looked at the bridesmaids, ah reflected on de days when dey were lickle Girl Guides whom Mrs Deroche took to Camp all over de Globe. Den dey all went off in different direction and time to University. Thank God dey did well fee dem-selves, who ain’t
Doctor, is Vet, who ain’t Lawyer is Engineer, Nurse. Shari herself is an Environmentalist; her husband is an Engineer. These one-dah-full, lovely young ladies who have all made dey parents proud, living up to dey GHS Motto “Per Adua Ad Alta (Through Difficulty to heights). And de GHS Motto is strengthened by de Girl Guides Motto “Be Prepared!”
De Wedding Party was Dynamite, lots to eat and drink, lively interesting speeches, and good music to dance. Lie-Za beg me hard to Big-Up de six Beer-John Groomsmen, to say how smart dey looked, just watch dem hooking on to our Vincy Girls. Tell dem doh get any I-dare. Love and God’s Blessings, Long Life, Good Health and Happiness to Mr and Mrs Shamari Cave.
And wid dat is gone ah gone again.
One Love Bassy