Have yuh ever bin summer camp?
Now-ah-days when ah check on de number of Summer Camps foh Youths in SVG, and de variety of de programs offered, man ah wish ah was ah Youth again.
As ah Met-dis Scout ah began me days ah Scout Camp when ah was 12 years ole, 70 years ago. We had two very committed young Scout Leaders in Hubert Browne and Walter Cummings. Dey took us to week-end camps (from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon) at Arnos Vale Playing Field, between Pole Yard and way de Met-dis Church is now located. Dat was even before de E.T Joshua Airport was built. We camped close to de river, slept under tents on de hard dirt floor wrapped in we blanket and pillow. De river water was clean, we created ah dam wid river stones and had we own swimming pool. We were taught how to cook, stew meat; ‘wash, starch’n’iron’ we clothes; tek biscuit tin mek oven, kneed flour, bake bread and potato pudding. Sounds exciting now, but we resented and complained dat those chores were intended foh girls. One August we camped in Bequia foh two weeks; hosted concerts wid Camp Fire and had de folks in Bequia asking foh more. Dat Bequia Camp cost each scout $3.00 and dat included passage by boat and three square meals daily foh ten days.
Ah refuse to compare Camp Life today wid what it uses to be in my time. Campers today sleep in buildings wid proper toilet facilities, fully equipped kitchen wid stove, fridge, freezer etc, trained camp supervisors, cooks etc. Some Dorms even have Fans and AC. However most ah dem are of course day camps, no sleep over. Camps offer training in training, “pan against crime” basket ball and soccer camps, craft, Bible camps.
Ah was Humbled to have been invited to talk to de kids attending de Kingstown Public Library (3-weeks) Day Camp wid over 100 infants and juniors. Dey were two groups 5-7 years and 8-10 years. A very exciting program wid de Theme: “Lest we Forget.” Activities include drumming, dancing, drama, ring games; kite making, choral speaking; roasting plantain and potato on open fire; meking Bush Tea, how to melt soft grease and nutmeg for joint pain; Maypole Dance; de Garifuna Punta Dance, and sing SVG Anthem in Garifuna language. My visit was to tell de story when SVG mash-up de Circus wid Lions and Zebra. Incidentally dat Circus took place exactly way de Library is presently located.
Ah would have men-shunned last week de Glad Tidings Bible Camp (GTBC) and dey Golden Anniversary celebrations. Last Sunday was de Thanksgiving Service and ah was pleased to witness dey presentations. Young Kendall Paul ah junior camper was awarded ah $1,200.00 Scholarship to attend Secondary School. De criteria include: “ must be ah Sunday school student, attended ah camp, parents active member in de Assembly who helps at Camp, economically disadvantaged. De evening’s presentation was graced wid de attendance of Elsa “Tanty Elsa” Velox ah Non-agenarian (90) ah survivor of de original foundation members of de GTBC. Other campers also received bursaries and donations. Ah said it once ah will say it again, is Summer Programs like the above, geared foh Youths, dat we got to invest in, in order to effectively fight Crime and Violence. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.
One Love Bassy
- Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.