It is well wid my Soul
My friend whose father was ah Pastor of de ole time Save Soul Religion, sent me a short VDO recording she made earlier dis month, of her eldest brother, ah few days before he passed away.
She hails from a big family with lots of siblings; interestingly dey are all good Christians, true Believers in Christ. Ah gathered from her dat de famous line from de song: “ it is well with my soul” meaning of course dat “my soul is safe in the hands of de Lord” is ah family phrase commonly used among her siblings whenever dey catching up wid each other. However about six of de siblings journeyed to Europe to be with de ailing brother on his journey out. In de VDO, he was in great spirit, sitting in ah wheel chair humouring his visitors, den ah younger sister asked: “ How is your Soul?” Quickly he replied: “Everything is fine.” Like ah rehearsed line, together dey shouted: “How is your Soul?” De brother shook his head, smiled, placed his right hand over his heart and said: “ It is well … with my Soul!” And together again (in unison) dey all shouted:”Aaamen!”
De Month of May has had ah sizeable number of deaths three murders, accidents, and of course some sudden or some unexpected cases, but dat man Death respects no one, and de only how we could match his untimely and sudden visits, whether we sick or in good health, we must mek sure “It is well wid our Soul!”
Can’t write dis week and not men-shun Kaisonian Leon “de Mighty Slider” Mc Kenzie, Spiritual Baptist, Social Activist, very popular Commentator on de Radio Stations Call-in programs. He was ah fearless man, called ah spade ah spade, he was medical challenged, but never afraid to comment on hot pull-it-to-kill issues. We pray dat all is well wid Slider’s Soul.
Den dey’s my villager Desmond Da Breo of de ever peaceful Da Breo family, originally out of Park Hill. Des spent many years as ah banker at CIBC, ah loans officer where he won de hearts of many customers, particularly “small Businessmen” and his villagers who loved and respected him.We pray also dat “All is well wid Desmond’s Soul!
SVG would have had its great days of Live Band Music wid nuff brass, guitars, bass and drums.
Den came de electronic age wid de synthesizer and drum machine, but one band dat never switched from de drum-set and dat was X-A-dus wid ah human Drum Machine named Ashley “BT” Marksman.
Paper Alexander told me dat “BT” actually challenged any Band including de great Touch to bring dey machine and come meet him on stage. Great Drummer he was, no wonder X-A-dus was number One foh tears. East Kingstown, NDP and Fitz Bramble have lost ah good campaign wuk-horse. Once more we pray dat “All is well wid Ashkley’s Soul” as he beats dem Drums in Heaven.
And finally foh now dey’s Garth Saunders, man of continuous excellence. Ah man wid ah tremendous personality. Nah-shun-all Athlete representing SVG at CARIFTA in de Shot Put and Discus, earned foh himself an Athletic Scholarship to attend University in Puerto Rico. An Engineer who did ah fantastic stint at de CWSA. Whether storm or drought, ah doh remember SVG short ah water foh any length ah time during Garth’s tenure as Chief. When Argyle International Airport needed an expert other dan de politicians to mis-manage, it was only when Garth was appointed CEO or Chairman of de Board of Directors, dat great con-fee-dense in de project was established. De only thing ah have not said about Garth is dat dey took advantage of his gentle soul.
When dey was de slightest water problem in certain constituency, men in high places uses to let him have de length of dey tongue. De truth will all come out one day. It is de sincere Prayer of de Love Vine dat “All is well wid Garth’s Soul” as we extend deepest condolences to all those who are in mourning. God thru de Holy Spirit, de greatest comforter, will bring you all Peace and Blessings. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.
One Love Bassy
Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.