Shut up wid de blasted mouth
If dem members ah Par-Liar-Mint think school-children not listening to de Pee-Itch-Air-Are-Tea dey carrying on in de House, dey lie. Johnny, ah lickle Grade 5 student, went to school last week and asked Miss Moss, his Teacher, what’s de difference between ah “Regular Mouth” and ah “Blasted Mouth.” How he was watching de Budget De-bait and heard when Major Lee-cock directed ah question to Jimmy Prince, de Minister of Hell’t , but before Jimmy could get to his feet, de Pry-Minister leap-frog Jimmy and was on his feet to answer. In lickle Johnny’s opinion, Mr Lee-cook took offence and chided de PM using words to de effect dat de PM was too fronting, behaving like “Mr no it all!” And dat was when de two members went into ah heated exchange of who could “Shut Up louder and tighter dan de other.”
Teacher Moss who really loves her come-mess invited Johnny to tell de class exactly what went on. So Lickle Johnny meticulously explained dat de PM immediately flipped and chastised Major Lee-Cock telling him: “ why don’t you Shut up!” Major Lee Cock double flipped and cuss-off de PM wid bad word, telling de PM:“Shut his Blasted Mouth, Shuddup!” De Teacher tried explaining to Johnny dat while blasted was being disrespectful, it could also mean : “Annoyance! Blinking! Stupid! and so on.” So lickle Johnny pulled out his phone, his WhattsApp, went into Google de unadulterated site “Wickey-Pee-dey-yah,” Den he turned to his teacher and said: “Miss hear what it says bout blasted, it is used to express Annoyance, Rotten, Wretched, Flipping , Goddam, muddah wuk, Miss hear dis, Effing!” Come on MP’s, Shut Up? No! Smart Up and show respect foh Par-liar-mint.
Yes de children are looking for good example of leadership, leaders who are clean in Thoughts, Words and Deeds.Too much ????? coming from all circles. For example de CDC was not able to pay 2022 Prize monies until January 2023. And dat should not be. Way back in de early 1980’s CDC was never able to recover expenses and pay Prize Money. De CDC had to go every year begging Go-venom-mint foh subsidy. Until ah bold CDC decided dat ah Lottery would be de answer. Men like Molly Arthur, Bert Bonadie, Cultural Officer Bamba Providence, Randy D, Burns Bonmadie and ah few others, took de bull by de horn and got PM Cato’s approval to get de Lottery going under one condition, dat de Lottery was to finance Carnival, I repeat “de Lottery was to finance Carnival.” Cato told dem dat CDC will not come back begging foh subsidy from Government. So I am confused dat CDC open Bar, Lie-Za wants to know who are de shareholders.
But wid all ah dat, ah down-sized Vincy Mas in 2022, yet CDC was still unable to pay prize money. In de meantime CDC’s adopted parent, de Lottery under good management, or what appears to be good management; dey sponsoring all kind ah projects, But de components of CDC foh which it was created suffering.
Ah hear de Queen Show grossed one hundred thousand, dah sounds too good, ah want to see de Financial Statement.
One ah these days when de country gets ah Government willing to set up independent Auditors, ah Go-vern-mint dat will demand accountability from all these Statutary Boards, Corporation, Committee den and den we go hear and see what Lie-Za describes as de Corruption of de corruptible. Until den ah refuse to shut me Blasted Mouth. And wid dat is gone ah gone again
One Love Bassy
Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.