Ah Vinjam Wedding
De highlight of my Emancipation weekend was ah Wedding on Monday. The Ceremony was quite unique. All weddings are unique, except dat dis Ceremony was simple, different and symbolic. De weather was kind on Monday afternoon, as we sheltered de blistering mid-afternoon Sun, under clear, blue open skies.
Two young Carry-Beyond Nah-shun-alls, Sade (Shade) Bowman of Sin-vin-saint and Fitz Beckford of Jah-mek-her, accompanied by immediate family members and close friends from both home communities and near-by islands, all gathered at Sunset Shores Hotel, on Villa Beach.
De session took place on de sand next to de ocean dat joins both Carry-Beyond countries. De exchange of Vows and Rings was administered by Rev Millett, de diminutive but flamboyant Met-Dis Minister.
Interestingly de customary tradition of de “lighting of de candles” was replaced with an equally lasting symbol, de filling of de Jar with (VinJam Sand), colourful layers of sand from SVG and Jah-mek-her. Each layer representing de colours of the flag of both countries, e.g. Black at de base, yellow, blue, yellow, green and capped at de top with white, de symbol of purity.
Needless to say dat wid de official part of de ceremony completed, and de Bridal party whisked away for photos, foh de Kodax Moments of souvenirs dat will become part of de new family history, de wedding Feast began.
De spacious grounds of Sunset Shores Hotel with swimming pool easily absorbed de modest sized crowd of friends, who foh de last two years of COVID 19 and Volcanic eruption, were deprived and denied or starved of ah good ole traditional wedding party, and indeed ah good party dis one was.
Dey was speechifying, Some beautiful Toasts, not widout de expected heckling, were delivered by de local and Carry-Beyond peers and classmates of de newly-weds.
Ah was impressed by de Mommy and Granny of de bride, dey were very spiritual. How can I not men-shun Daddy Rollie who was not down to speak, for fear he might ah break-down and cry, non-cents, he brought tears to some eyes instead.
Doh talk bout de snacks and food; dey was nuff or maybe too much to eat and drink. Just about everything at dat wedding was well planned and organized, ah recognized de presence of Event Planner, Toya De Roche of Jo Che Moments and her team, which explains de high level of efficiency.
Dey was good music from de lickle band “Resonance,” ah group ah young talented musicians, some of whom are in University.
Dey played well, in fact de Jam-mek-hand Possee was very impressed wid what dey heard. Ley me big up de youths dem: Pan genius, Saeed Bowman de bride’s brother, Dr Geran Maule Band leader and Key-board man, he was my best Cuatro player when he was ah lickle 10 year ole youth at St Mary’s; Guitarist Jordan Hamlet; Violinist, Samuel Toka,; Deion Allen; Drummer; Bassist, Josh Lewis.
What is commendable about dem youngsters is dat dey set aside quality time to provide music in dey church, Playing foh Jesus, Great! Dey made me get up and dance at de wedding.
Frank Sinatra sang: “ In Chicago I saw ah man and he danced wid his wife, in Chicago!” Ah believe Sinatra saw me on Monday night, but not in Chicago, at Sunset Shores!
We will hear ah lot more about dem young musicians. Foh me dat was ah great wedding, may God richly Blees de Newly Weds. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.
One Love Bassy
Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.
The Love Vine