Bassy - Love Vine
June 18, 2021

Vincentians turn volcano’s ash into bricks

After lying dormant for 43 years, La Soufrere volcano in Saint Vincent, suddenly erupted on April 9 2021, covering the whole island with grey, powdery ash that left residents and the local Governments with the task of clearing up tonnes of ash, several inches thick in some areas. Environment officials are not just cleaning up the mess but decided to combine the ash with sand, cement, and discarded plastic to form bricks. 

Residents in de Orange and Red Zone areas are collecting ash blanketing homes, cars, and roads and putting it in sacks to be sent to a state-owned factory. The factory can produce up to 5,000 bricks a day which will be used to rebuild schools and dwelling houses damaged. With volcanic ash and plastic both in plentiful supply, the officials in Saint Vincent see their project as a silver lining. (If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at

Ah copied de above story from ah Web Site: “https://news.”

Is ah true story except de names have been replaced by me. St Vincent instead ah Philippines, and is not La Soufrere, but Taal Volcano in Binan.

Just for de records. But seventy years ago, ah man from T’n’T name Bert Nehall was in charge ah CHPA now HLDC. He built 20 one-bedroom Low Income Houses in Pauls Lot near Girl Guides Hut, using (mudcrete) blocks made from baked mud..
. De next time our Prime Minister reports from way ever he is, listen to his plans foh de millions of tonnes of Ashes dumped on SVG. Den compare it wid the plans of de Philippines already in effect. De man spends hours on his Side Shows, either defending what Lie-Za describes as juvenile delinquent behaviour, or cussing anybody who dare comment on de non-sense under his watch.


As was telling Lie-Za about de nice days and nights we had as youths growing up in Murray Village. Like every village, we had Village Characters and one of ours was Duncan, an amputee wid a wooden leg who uses to stand in de middle of the circle, wid ah belt, teaching us folk songs and Ring Games during moonlight. Ah remember two songs “’Gouti under Dey tease um! Tease um! Darg dey ah door.” and ah Jah-mek-her Folk Song: “Sammy Dead Oh!” We related to de second song as we also had another Village Character name Sammy Poyer, ah real Rumbo who pound stones foh making blocks, plough lands and fish. Both were great Guys. But Sammy in de Jah-mek-her Folk Song like he was ah Farmer wid “green fingers” who specialised in Corn dat yielded bountiful harvests. Suddenly one morning dey found Sammy Dead! Dey was lots ah speculation in song over what evil act did Sammy commit to cause his untimely death.

But Duncan only knew one verse dat he taught us: “Sammy plant piece ah Corn down ah gully, and it bear till it kill poor Sammy, Sammy dead, Sammy dead, Sammy dead oh! We had to mek up as many verses as possible, suggesting de many possible awful causes of Sammy’s Death.

Is nuff verses we composed: Vs 2: “Ah bin Teef Sammy Teef, mekTeef kill he!” Vs 3: “Ah bin Lie Sammy Lie mek Lie Kill he!” Vs 4: “Ah bin Drugs Sammy Tek, mek Drugs kill he!” Vs 5: “Ah bin Rob Sammy Rob mek Robber kill he!” Vs 6: “ Ah bin Bright Sammy Bright mek Brightness kill he!” Vs 7: “Ah bin Scheme Sammy Scheme mek Scheming kill he!” After taxing me brains trying to remember all dem Verses, she smiled and said: “ Ah get de message, ah not going to plant no piece ah Corn down ah gully!” And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.