Silence dignified at its all time best
Bassy - Love Vine
May 21, 2021

Silence dignified at its all time best

Ah read ah very interesting article by IWN bearing the headline: “Christian Council anticipates justice in matter relating to two public figures.” De article was IWN summary of de Christian Council’s Release on an all-edge shooting issue, now clouded under Dignified Silence, and no sign of Justice in sight. Ah 60 year ole man was shot in his leg at his home. Two persons wid close connect-shun to de Legal Arm of Go-venom-mint are men-shuned and could possibly be implicated. De Police have been investigating de all-edge crime foh over five weeks now. Dis is Silenc Dignified at its all time best.

While all ah dis is going on or nor not going on; shouldn’t de Christian Council be demanding Justice instead of soft peddling say dey Anticipating Justice? Where is de Jesus, de Good Samaritan in de Christian Council in all ah dis. Where is de Christian Council who is supposed to represent de Voice of God, instead dey right up in arms like de Echo of de Voice of de State. Have dey even gone to see de Victim. Ralph say everybody must be silent, making all ah we Court Jesters, including de Christian Council!

May I remind Christian Council dat hundreds of years ago, ah man name “Bad John” was de Chairman of de Christian Council. John was ah real Man of God. Fearless and out-spoken, he wanted no high position, no honours, no Court Jester wining and dining wid de powers dat be. Yuh could ah bin Prime Minister or Commissioner, if John had ah message foh you from God; look out, he was coming by yuh gate to deliver dat message word foh word Well his luck ran out one day. He went outside king Rod’s gate and began to shout foh all to hear: List to de Man of God speak: “Hear-Rod, yuh are breaking de Law, you have gotten rid of your wife and tek over your brother’s wife. God will deal wid you!”

We all know de story; Hear-Rod arrested John de Baptist, kept him quiet in jail until one Festive Evening, ah young girl, his niece/step-daughter mashed down de Court dancing foh him and his Court Jesters. He invited her to mek ah wish, and she asked fo de head of John de Baptist on ah platter. In an atmosphere of profound Digified Silence, Hear-Rod got caught in ah trap, dat functioned under Dignified Silence, not an man said No. Hear-Rod finally had John Head cut off and presented as ah Love Gift to his brother’s wife he stole. Things have not changed, in fact things have gotten worse. On matters of Moral Principles (Right and Wrong) most of de people to whom we look foh leadership whether in Church or Public Life, have lost it, society as a whole. Claim to be Christian Council is silent; leading Pastors and Statesmen all mute. All have surrendered dey manhood, dey Soul to become Jesters in King Ralph Court. And wid dat is gone ah gone again. King Hear-Rod!

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.