Ready to vote on de 20-fourth
First and Foremost, ley me say best wishes to Mrs Pearline Long, formerly Corea, who had ah One-dah-full 100 Birthday Party at The Thompson Home on Thursday. And nuff respect to de Thompson Home staff and Management Committee foh teking good care of our senior citizens. Nuff said.
It’s stale news, but Jah-mek-hans will go to the polls on September 3rd. Since de date was announced, is like Pan-dem man-ache break loose between Elect-shun Fever and Covid19. De News out ah Jah-mek-her last night is dat dey had 400 new cases ah de Covid19 in de last four days. Ah looked at ah “bold presentation” on Social Media by Phillip Coombs, ah young Jah-mek-han Medical Doctor, who describes himself as ah pop-yu-law Social Media Professional.
According to Dr. Coombs, immediately after de Elect-shun date was announced, dey was ah sudden spike in de number of Covid19 cases: 46 new cases in 24 hours. He claims dat dey have officially lost control of Covid-19, Dey’s no community spread, and dey were unable to trace where people getting de infection from.
De young Doctor strongly feels dat having Pull-it-tek-all Calm pain at dis time has disregarded just about every protocol dat de Go-venom-mint has tried to put in place to protect and prevent persons from getting Covid-19. De Parties are now calm-pain-in numbers greater dan 250 wid-out mask, wid-out social distancing.
Nearer home, our near-bars in T’n’T were handling de Dreaded Virus well. Ah even went as far as giving PM Rowley ah good grade, because dat country was ranked among de top countries in de World foh being compliant with de WHO’s COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines. Like it was too early to shout; Yuh ‘member de ole story wid de cow dat gave ah bucket ah milk and when den farmer try to stand up, de cow kick down de whole bucket? Well Rowley called Elect-shun, opened up de country, and de whole ah Trinny-daddy Toe-big-oh went back to finish off dey February Can-ah-fall.
As was expected, Covid-19 spike again and T’n’T is back on Lock Down. Ah say all ah dis to announce dat Lie-Za say her mister-man, Lie-in-hell tell her Elect-shun in SVG is on September 24th. So between now and Sept 3rd, Par-liar-mint in SVG will be Resolved, de word is dissolved, but Lie-Za knows wha’ she is saying. But her main concern is dat all dem Virt-chew-all Meetings pon TV and Raid-yuh will most likely give way to de rig-yuh-law Pull-it-tek-all Jamming. Word on de Web was dat ULP was planning to bring in Yuh-see-him Bolt to bolt down dey Calm-Pain, but unfortunately, or fortunately foh NDP, Bolt was recently tested positive foh Covid-19.
Imagine Lie-Za who never Vote, wants to give Add-vice to de PM to ban all pull-it-to-call rallies, ban open-eyes meetings (oops!) open air meetings, ban block-oh and anything dat will defy all Covid-19 pro-to-call. Lie-Za got to be kidding, dis just can’t happen, not when it’s Pry-minister Gone-Soft final Elec-shun, de end of his promised second term limit, so he bow-in-out in style!.
But my girl got it right. She says dat any Go-venom-mint dat has bin in Awe-fist foh 20 straight years (sorry, she didn’t say straight years, she actually said “20 crooked years”), den dat regime should not have to Calm-Pain. It’s record should speak foh itself. She also said de same goes foh de Awe-position, who has also bin in Dah-position foh de last 20 years, under two different leaders.
Sounds crazy, but she is now come-pile-in all de accomplishments of de Raining Regime over de last 20 years. She gave me ah few like de Eddy-Care-shun Rev-all-yuh-shun and de Argyle Inter-nah-shun-all Airport. just imagine we wanted de PM to Shut Down ah new Airport, dat ain’t doh any Sea-rust wuk yet, wow, look how Sea blast locking down de security fence at de Airport. So ah told her to remind de ULP dat Sir-Vin-Sin did promise Integrity Leg-is-late-shun. She simply replied, “Ah could just hear de PM replying to dat by saying ‘Polly-ticks is ah hard ball game, not ah game foh Coconut Bat!” Ah asked her if G.O. Terminal NRG on her list, she said “Yes, we drilled downward first, to no avail, so now we follow NDP add-vice. We going on de Leeward side; but we teking ah short-cut from Rabacca and run pipes across (underground) to de Leeward side. Lie-Za promise to let me have de full list of de ULP stewardship foh de last 20 years. But in de meantime, she begging de Pry-minister not to allow any crowd gathering leading up to Elect-shun day, Sept 24th. It too danger-us ah chance. And wid dat is gone ah gone again,
One Love Bassy.