Bassy - Love Vine
February 22, 2013

Service wid distinction

De matriarch of Searchlight submitted her final news item early on Tuesday morning and said au revoir, sine-die (sign-ah-die)! Ah find it very eye-run-ache dat one of Norma Keizer’s greatest passions was His-story and not just History, but Black His-story, and dat she took her exit in February, Black History month. Yes she believed in Black Consciousness and de Power of Black women.{{more}}

Ah remember well in de 1960’s when de reality ah de “struggle” took roots in SVG, Norma was in de fore-front, rubbing head and shoulder among de young Black Women. She identified in words and deeds, wearing wid pride, good looks and dignity her Dashiki and Afro (short hair) style up to de end, telling de world den and even today: “Black is Beautiful!”

Ah would have said nuff bout Mrs Keizer prior to her parting, and hopefully will say more as time goes by, so ah will leave room for others, who will also do justice to de life and times of Norma Keizer de Educator.

Ah feel my article would be “salt” dis week, if ah didn’t recognize her contribution to Searchlight. She was among de founding parents of Searchlight dat started in 1995. De company had neither money nor any I-dare of running ah Newspaper. So de task of making dis big dream ah reality was placed in de competent hands of Norma. Ah task dat she took on wid Gusto, is it Gusto to Gut-so! De business climbed within its first ten years, from ah bank balance of zero to owning its home, ah town property valued at $1.5 million, and becoming a leading shareholder in SVG Publishers, the newspaper printing company.

Let it be known dat Norma Keizer pioneered de establishing of SVG’s ‘first full colour, newspaper printing press’ dat printing all three newspapers in SVG and beyond our shores.

The paper today is ranked No 2 in SVG. She brought wid her as former GHS Headmistress dat passion she had for teaching, dispensing knowledge, training, creating opportunities foh young people. She commanded respect and de affection of her staff at Searchlight, dey adored her for her principles, generosity and kindness. We don’t mourn de loss of people like Norma Keizer, we simply celebrate and give God thanks foh de life and service she lived.


Lie Za is very worried over her he-row, De Come-red. Lately everyting around him like it turning sour, when it ain’t one ting is de other. Last week was Building Alone, dis week is ah Pan-ah-ram-ah Show coming pon BBC wid de Pry Minister and ah mannequin dat Aims at bribery allegations, sum real non-cents over ah Suit-Case ah money dat de BBC say Aims drop off by de PM office.

She swear dat Aims ain’t so out-ah-place to disrespect her PM like dat, if anything at all like dat was to happen, and Aims went by de PM office wid Suit-Case, and come out widout it, is forget Aims forget de Suit-Case way he rest it down; and he done get it back All ah dat is false rumor she saying; Is de Awe-position who can’t get rid ah Papa-Rat and de ULP, so dey hi-ah dem BBC Papa-Rat-see to hound down de PM. Is hound dem Papa-Rat-see was hounding down Princess Die-Ann way mek she get killed in ah crash.

If yuh know how Lie-Za sorry dat SVG’s new Feather-weight “Boxer” Crick from Animal Farm, was not present wid de PM to “Box” dat out-ah-place BBC Papa-Rat-See when he did push Mike-ha-phone in de PM face.

She insisting dat de Pry-Minister got to do sum-ting bout dat now! Lef ah good Suit-Case in de Privy Council ‘gainst de BBC! And don’t worry way de money will come from to fight dem at de Privy Council level, remember we now own Building Alone! And while he is at-end-in de Carry-Come Con-frenz in Hit-he, find ah good Owe-Bee-yah man sorry, ah bad Owe-be-yah woe-man to give him ah bath. Dis ting he did say “ah does wuk Owe-Be-yah foh God,” ain’t wuking no more, start “wuking Owe-Bee-Yah foh Sit-on!” Maybe it is Vie-see Vus-saw!

Ah made de mistake and ask Lie-Za to explain how de PM say de BBC Reporters showed someone ah V-D-O wid Arm-in saying dat, Aims land ah Suit-Case in de PM office and left widout it. But on de contrary de BBC is saying dat dey don’t have any such V-D-O. She went in ah rage saying: “BBC lie! I is de someone who see de V-D-O, and if de person is not Armin, den it got to be either Vinnie or Leacock!” All yuh hear Lie, Dat is Lie!

And wid dat is gone ah gone again!

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.