Bassy - Love Vine
September 28, 2012

Read between de miss-in-jaw lines

Time and time again we does get ah message, but because it ain’t saying way we want to hear, we does tun loose pon de miss-in-jaw, beat him up and send him back way he come from.

Dis week de miss-in-jaw is de DPP, Calling Williams and to be honest, when he drop de message, he asked more questions dan he gave ants-saw.{{more}}

Now ah not taking ah serious matter and meking joke eh, because dis matter affects bereaved relatives ah the three Venezuelan fishermen who got executed and a Vincy Customs Guard who drowned. Good ole common scents dictates dat if dey’s ah high-Jack at sea and four people get killed and six alive – five Venezuelan fish-ah-men and an RRU (black squad) officer, de public deserve ah thorough invest-de-case-shun, and dey should get one. But Lie-Za say she fraid foh close she eye when night come, after she hear de miss-in-Jaw/ DPP say dat before dis matter (de case) reach any further, he stop it right hey and now! And he ain’t see nobody yet on de face ah dis earth, dat he fraid, who could come tell he how to do his wuk! Dat tone-ha-vice sound like ah over con-fee-dent – bordering arrogant – youth, not de matured, and humble Calling we thought we once knew.

Abdon Whyte, de deceased Othniel Whyte’s son read on Radio from a Venezuelan newspaper, dat de Guv-ah-mint of SVG agreed wid Caracas dat de men would be released. But de DPP defended vehemently dat “ there could not have been any such agreement.” Since when Colin luv to sware? Ah would add-vice him de next time just simply say: “Ah don’t know nutten bout no agreement.”

But Lie-Za is ah good Suspect-teef/Dectect-teef, she listens well. She is saying dat in between de miss-in-jaw lines, he dropping ah few hints. The RRU black squad officer, De Shong told national Security Officials dat de Far-rain men (dis suggests more dan one) opened shots pon him.

Subsequently de men were charged foh attempted murder (dat was thrown out) and attempted kid-nap-in; Lie-Za say kid-nap-in is when ah child tek ah short sleep. But during de DPP’s Radio interview, he M-foh-size dat dey was ah black Venezuelan wid ah shot gun, and he was not ah member ah de crew. Lard have mercy pon arwe black-people.

Reading between de lines, it says dat in addition to dis black Venezuelan, dey was ah second Venezuelans on de boat, both of them were not among de crew. What were dey doing dey, passengers touring, merchants, importers or exporters ah Soap Powder, or did dey high jack de boat? And what were dey looking fah? Dey ass-sign-mint ah Soap Powder? Whatever took place den, de black Venezuelan open fire pon de RRU (Black Squad) another black man, ah vincy dis time; and de RRU officer fire back and it is believed dat de shot killed him.

But is three other Venezuelans (crew) who got shot on de vessel, two ah dem got killed. Lie-Za say de DDP, between de lines again, say foh certain, dat was two people who had guns, de two black people, and dey shot at each other. He did not say if de others had gun and fired shot too; So who shot de other three Venezuelans. And she is asking me of all people, if ah think dey were unarmed and should not ah bin killed, if dat alone ain’t warrant an murder invest-de-case-shun, well ah don’t know what does.

Next thing again, she still reading between de DPP lines, she asking me, how many RRU officers dey in Union Island, because, foh dis-arming de vessel single handedly, officer De shong of the RRU should get de Sir Francis Drakes Awe-ward foh bravery. And de family ah Customs Guard Whyte, should get everyting de Pry-minister did promise de family, when he did shred Crooked-lie tears at de funeral. Yuh really can’t afford to misread between de lines eh.

Hear what de DPP ask pon Radio: “what was Mr. Whyte doing pon de vessel, why did he go out dey, why is de Customs Department not issuing ah statement on what authority was Whyte on de vessel?” Is de DPP by any chance implying dat it is possible dat Mr. Whyte was not given instructions by de authority to board de vessel, and he and de RRU bin ah do den own ting? One ah she conclusion is dat dem is not questions foh de DPP to be asking pon Radio, he should ah been giving us de answers. But wait till Paw-Paw come, he will agree wid de DPP, to disagree wid de alleged Caracas agreement. She betting he will say dat is ah NDP Paw-Paw gang dah propagated by Armin and his sicko-fans!

However Lie-Za is waiting pon de DPP to find out how did Customs Guard Whyte get in de water in de first place? Did he have to duck under de water to tek cover, and overstayed? She putting neck pon de block dat somebody should ah bin made to answer foh de cause ah Whyte’s death.

And wid dat is gone ah gone again.

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.